Monday, March 5, 2012

Eskimo Girl

Lost here.
So, as promised, I`m posting a pic. I have no idea why I drew her, I don`t know her name, I don`t know why she`s dressed so warmly, and as of right now, I`ve forgotten why she`s holding a wooden staff..... It`ll come to me..... Right, anyway, have a good one. 

~Lost out 

Oh, and her hair`s tied up in a pony-tail by the way. 


  1. Tut Tut, Lost. It is now politically incorrect to call people eskimos. They are now officially Inuits. Someone is WRONG! Lol.
    Sorry, couldn't resist. :P


  2. Haha oh you`re just infuriating. I am NOT editing that.
