Thursday, March 15, 2012

A perfect example of my life.

Why is it a perfect example?
This picture started out as a girl with her hair being blown by the wind, riding a horse.
I didn't like the horse, so I erased it.
Then she looked weird. If she wasn't going fast, why was her hair blowing in that particular fashion?
I erased her hair and gave her long, swirling hair.
Then her nose looked weird.
I erased her nose and redrew it.
But THEN her eyes looked weird! They didn't match up with the nose anymore!
So I erased the eyes and redrew it.
But the way her head was tilting totally killed her hair.
I erased her hair again and redrew it this way.

I sat back and realized something. My drawing had started out as a horse-riding, hair-blowing cowgirl.
Now it was a ladylike, earringed girl.

How does this resemble my life? Well, I expect you believe me to spurt some pearl of wisdom of how, though things may look one way, you should always think it through, etc. etc.

In reality? It just happens to me a lot. That's all.


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