Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase

See, I WOULD'VE said Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, like, in order of appearance, but that doesn't sound right.
Sorry for the creepy blank eyeballs thing. I tried several times to fix that but to no avail.
I'm also sorry for Percy's arms and right leg being totally out of whack. I got sick of drawing him.

You may have noticed that I haven't been colouring anything in. It's just because I'm lazy. Sorry. You'll just have to imagine the colour. Anyway, this picture started with Annabeth's hair--I saw a picture of a teenager wearing her hair like that and I just instantly went "I'm going to go draw that." And then I realized it looked kind of Greeky so it turned into Annabeth. And I immediately associated Annabeth with Percy. So there you have it. 

Happy St. Joseph's feast day.
~Lost out

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