Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm lost in Jane Austen's England, and my time-machine isn't working, so I drew this to pass the time until I could get home.

I haven't been drawing a ton lately.
First it was because I had seen a few pictures that someone had drawn somewhere, and I was depressed into not drawingness by their awesomeness. And then just because I was reading and not on the computer a lot.
But then we had some college students over last night, and I got to talking with this one guy, who can pretty much do anything. (He plays guitar, airsoft, minecraft, ping-pong, watches Doctor Who and has seen Pride and Prejudice several times--that might have been forced, I'm not sure--He's memorized literal trailers, AND he knows a lot about manga. Yeah.) Anyway, so I was talking to this guy about drawing, (And as you can tell, a lot of other things,) and he got me itching to draw again.
So I stuck my tongue out at those artists who are better than me and promised that one day I'd be up there with them. (MUAHAHAHAHA.)
This was the result.

She's kind of different from my other girls. Her nose is bigger, but that might be the influence of Cyrano de Bergerac--I just saw the play; the Catholic school of the community put it on. I've been sighing ever since. *Sigh.*
Her eyes are also glassier, and I stuck a background in there. See? I even made a guy proposing to a girl who has my hair!
The background isn't colored on purpose--Mom suggested just doing the skin, and I kinda like it that way.
I don't know who she's looking at, so feel free to decide.


1 comment:

  1. Someone's proposing to her too and she's gazing dreamily up into his eyes. Decision made.

    I'm glad you decided to take up drawing again! Don't let other artists' success discourage you! How do you think they got to where they are? They kept at it. So keep up the good work! You're really very talented and it's always a delight for me to find there's a new post and a new picture here to admire. :)
