Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So, I was drawing....
No surprise there, but when I start a post with that, get ready for another strange ramble.
I really want to name this girl Frankie. You know, short for Francesca. But I know a guy named Frank, and people call him Frankie sometimes because apparently he hates it. So if I named her that, I'd be naming her after him. Which would be lame.
So I think I'll name her Mandy instead. (I named the wintery one Maggie.)

Which brings me to the backstory.
This is Mandy. Short for Amanda. She lives in this steampunk sci-fi world, and she's a repair girl in this air station. She lives up there in the sky with her head underneath broken ships all day, and at night she climbs up to her loft and peers out the window, gazing up at the stars.
That's all I got. Use your imagination for the rest of her story.


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