Friday, March 22, 2013

Lena Rose Foster and a letter to Sharpie.

This is Rosie.
Rosie loves life.
I don't know too much about her yet, but she's a character in this story I'm going to start soon. She's going to be fun, I can tell, which is good. I need a new fun character, because I finished Sharpie's story.
I know. I'm really sad. It's okay, she's still alive. But her story is over.
I'll still be visiting her occasionally, as we write her friend's life. But she won't be the main character anymore. She won't come in as much.
So I wrote this letter to Sharpie, and I'm going to share it with you all. No, you don't HAVE to read it, but you can if you want to.

Dear Sharpie,
Thanks for being awesome. I really put you through a lot of emotional havoc, and I know it's hard. You didn't always react how you should have--you were sensitive and quick tempered. But nobody is perfect, and if you were, quite frankly I would hate you. But you aren't perfect, you are a flawed person, just like me. And I think that's why I like you so much. Cuz even though you were never real, you were my friend.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that you were perfect in a real way, a kind of warped perfect. You were perfect to me. And you swallowed your pride a couple of times to apologize to people, like I need to learn to do. You learned that friendship is really special, and you can't always have your way in life. Friendship is a compromise, a journey. Now you learned that, I need to.
So that's all I have. Thanks again, Sharpie.
Your Author.


  1. Almost brought me to tears! I'll miss you Sharpie!!

  2. Life is a continuous change. Farewell to the old, hello to the new! Welcome, Rosie. How nice to meet you. :)
