Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I bet you're all sick of campers at this point...

Welcome, to Camp half-blood! *applause* Our host tonight is is Found, and.....   Yeah ok, it's not working for me, either.
Ok, so two MORE people I made up.
1. If you think it looks like she got punched in the eye, then, hey! WE HAVE A WINNER! Yeah, and BTW she does NOT have furry legs. Those are those neat boots that are all furry and cool looking.
PS. do you like her vest???

2.  Hers is a tragic story, which I haven't quite made up yet...  Oh forget it. She's from Apollo's cabin. The flute-y thing attached to her shorts is a blowpipe. I think the darts are in her pocket but when I tried to ask her, she slammed her door in my face. Ouch. Leave a comment telling me why she's so moody if you want to. comments rock!  See ya later, peoples!



  1. I love seeing campers! I've read the book and I LOVE seeing the people from them! Great vest, awesome boots, and I really like the shoes on the girl in the second picture.

  2. Second that!!!

    Maybe she's moody because of her tragic story....

  3. I LOVE the books too, and I also love your drawings of the people in them. :D
