Sunday, January 13, 2013


This person started out as a girl, so if your first reaction was "MAN. That is one ugly chic," or "Sheesh,  that's one girly dude," or "HIS NECK. IT'S WAY TOO LONG," well, those were mine too, while it slowly morphed into this dude from a book I'm reading.
If the eyes really are windows into the soul, then all of my characters must be clinically depressed zombies or something. Anyway, this guy isn't really at all what I picture the dude in the book to look like, but this is sort of how they describe him. 

Hopefully he'll just grow up to look like Cristian Bale so I won't have to worry about him anymore. 
~Lost out


  1. Now THAT would be cool. He kind of looks like a good way! Like, the best parts of him look like the worst parts of you..but you don't have worse parts...yeah I think I'll just stop talking now.
