Friday, January 4, 2013


Lost here still.
So, here she is. I couldn't decide whether or not I liked her with the hat. For some reason her skin looks better in that one though... UGH. I'm cursed to never post nice looking skin for the rest of my life.

Anyway, they still aren't perfect, but I have to use the bathroom REALLY badly and I haven't eaten anything yet and it's already 12:24, so tata!
~Lost out


  1. Wow! She looks really cool!! I think I like her with the hat more, because you have really nice detailing on the hair. She looks so mysterious.

  2. Thanks! I just touched up the one with the hat, now I think I agree. Mysterious wins.

  3. Yeah, I like her with the hat better too. You did an amazing job in her! :D I especially like her distinct eyes. She's really pretty.

  4. It's like, digital pastels. *mind-blown*
