Saturday, May 26, 2012

Yet another chibi...

I was thinking earlier, again, on how different my style has gotten. I mean, in the beginning of this blog's existance, people had a hard time distinguishing Lost's drawing's from mine. Now, it's like, sooooo different.
So, here's another Chibi. In case you were curious, it's a screenshot from a larger picture I was working on. Those weird black things she's wearing are boots. My brother thought that the lighting on the hair was a bit ridiculous, but hey, at least it looks like a person, right? I mean, look at Picasso!


  1. Hey, I like it! Your brother speaks nonsense. AND I LOVE HER OUTFIT. Her adorable smile, too. And I totally agree on what a change your sketches have gone through! I used to think it really funny that you and Lost had the same style, but now it's definitely changed :)

  2. I much prefer your art to Picasso's...
