Monday, June 4, 2012

Sketch and Monologue About Horses

Okay, so, Found here!
Lost isn't going to be posting for a while, so yup. It'll just be me!
Sorry I've been posting so many computer pictures--It's just kinda fun trying stuff out on the computer. This here drawing is a sketchy thingy I did--like, the only cheating i did was on the side of the face and the eyebrows--see where it's really straight? The rest was with a normal pen, usually on pen size 2, just doodling. It actually came out kind of nice! Who knew, right?
I'm going to try to draw a lot more--it's the scanning that really bugs me, though--I'll try to post more often.
Oh--I have to say this really quick--When I was like five I drew this little picture of a horse--like, totally random, but it was pretty good.
And, if you'll believe, I think it's the best horse I've ever drawn, and that includes any I've done for the past few years. I'll try to find it and post it and you'll see what I mean. Like, have you guys ever seen me draw a horse? No? Well, there's a reason for that. I can't draw animals!!!!! If anyone as any tips or whatever, please let me know in the comments section. I FAIL!
I'll try to post again later! Talk to y'all soon!


  1. Her gaze captivates. :)

    P.S. About the horses, I'm also in the same boat! Isn't it so ridiculously difficult? Still, though, I'd love to see what you have...I'm sure you have more talent in the animal area than you admit.

    1. No, seriously. A lot of people are like, "Oh, I can't draw that! *Giggle*" But they really CAN. NOT me. I am SOOOO bad with animals I can do made-up animals, like, things that I create, but no real ones!
