Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two Guys and Some Announcements

Hi, it's Found!
Okay, so, first I'll talk about the pics, and then I'll do the REAL talking.
Okay, so...  Mr. Pity Me on top was kind of an experiment to see if I could make someone, well, a guy, look kind of hurt and sad. It worked, I think. He looks rather depressed in a satisfactory kind of way.
The pilot person on the bottom was really annoying. Okay, so I give him a ski-cap and goggles, but was he satisfied? NO! HE wanted to be a stupid science fiction pilot. I said, "It's your funeral," and tried to change it. But what a pain! Nothing was matching up! I'm still not entirely pleased with the angle of the picture--his arm looks weird. Gosh! Next time someone asks for a different backstory, I'm going to have to tell them to live with it or change their fortunes themselves. I mean, Mr. Give Me More was all like, "Make my history tragic, but with a tint of hope in it." I mean, seriously? You want tragic? I hope he regrets it now, because his backstory is about as tragic as I could make it. Serves him right. Beggars can't be choosers.

Okay, so, first off, this was my first week of Juniour Lifeguards and it just about killed me. That being said, I don't know if I'll be able to do a lot of posting for a while--after JG's there's about a week til vacation. So, please don't be shocked if I'm not very consistant. I'm trying.

Also, our Request Poll is ending, and I had a few notes on that. Lost and I set it up so that if the two lower choices on the poll were chosen, I'd do them, and the two higher would be Lost's. However, it might be a while before Lost can post next, so I apologize. We set it up that way so that she would have to do the boy. =D



  1. Don't worry about not posting for a while (we all do it), good luck with lifeguarding, and have fun at vacation! :) (Where are you going?) The drawings are awesome!

  2. You're really clever, Found. :) And thanks for clearing up the housekeeping.
