Friday, June 8, 2012

Pencil + Pen

Hi! It's Found.
Okay, the first picture is Elizabeth Bennet. I drew her forever ago, but never got around to scanning her. (I usually scan several pictures at a time, since it's such a pain, and I had nothing to scan her with.)
I don't know why she's so surprised looking, but there you go.
(Pic #2) I think I'm settling in to my style for Manga people! I loooooove this kind of eye! Okay, so the reason she's holding a button is because I was up allll night last night thinking out a plotline for a story. I then realized I needed a main character. No duh, right? Anyway, the plot was about this person... well, I guess it was a bit of a cross between Thumbelina and Stewart Little. About 38% like that. But then, suddenly, it isn't.  So, she's this tiny person, like a Polly Pocket size, I think. The button is there to alert you that she isn't the size that most people are. Hope you like!

Okay, so, this is the part of my post where I throw out a random subject and monologue about it!
I tried out my watercolor pencils for the first time today, and OH MY GOSH!!!! How COOL IS THIS? Like, hello!? Colored pencils plus watercolor? Who came up with that? They should get an award. SOOOO cool. Try it--neatest thing since Prismacolor!

Note to the Reader: If you guys have any experience with Manga books, and have an absolute fave that you'd like to recommend, tell me! I'm always looking for help!


  1. Hahaha Liz is great! Seeing her in Manga form is funny. I like the kind of eye on picture #2 also! It's happy-looking or something. And wow, watercolored pencils?? That is awesome!

  2. PS post a drawing colored in with the pencils some time!

  3. LIZZYYY!!! haha, we were just watching p&p last night!! Love her :) And I LOVE the idea of little people! :) I want to hear more about this book...
    Never heard of water color pencils, they sound TOTALLY AWESOME, DUDE! lol -E
