Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wispy hair and New approach on clothes

Hi! It's your friendly neighborhood blogger, Found.
I have nothing to say for Pic One except for I'm not perfect at profiles.
Anyway, to the point. The second picture: I'm trying to pay more detail to wrinkles in the clothing now. I'm also working more on how I shade stuff. Personally, I like the ending result. BUT, as everyone knows, there's always a lot of room for improvement! Still getting the kinks out on deciding how the folds in clothing go, all that good stuff. You may see a lot of clothing in the future--I don't know.
Anyway, that's all for now! Thanks for reading! You guys are great!


1 comment:

  1. YOU are great! I like the end result of #2 too! #1 is really cool, I like the way you did her hair blowing in the wind.
