Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bonnie Wee Lassie...

...Or, translated, awesome scottish girl. Well, the "wee" is "small," but, well, she's not REALLY that tiny. Whatevs.
Anyway, I sketched this at Choir practice, with two of my friends giving me input. ("Make that plaid." "Make the leggings red.") So, this is dedicated to them. You two, you know who you are.
Anyway, I discovered, coloring this in, that I really like doing plaid. So you might see a lot of it in the future. Or not. It's hard to tell, really.
So, as you can see, I've started drawing a couple of outfits from different countries. Like, the kinda toga-y thingy that Artemis was wearing. And the plaid-y scottish thing that this here gal has on. I was considering doing a kinda sorta not really chinese-y thing. What are they called? Those things that look kinda like fancy bathrobes but with those neat bandy things around the middle... Um... Well, if any people who care about what it's called and what it's supposed to look like come on and see it, I hope they won't be offended if I am not fashionably accurate. Because I do absolutely no research at all for anything. If I get it right, YAY! If not.... ummmm....


  1. Ooh, love the plaid. Please do Chinese! That would be really cool!

  2. Ohhh I love it! She is so pretty. You come up with some really awesome clothing designs :)
