Saturday, May 26, 2012

Manga Heads

Let me be the first to say that girl #3's neck is too thin. Thank you.

Hi, guys! It's Found! I know it's been a while--I've not been scanning stuff a lot, and I started a sketchbook, which is hard to scan onto the computer. So here's what I've been doing, glued to the screen, for the last couple days.
Okay, so you'll notice that these girls' eyes don't really have any defined pupil. That is to say, no black dot. Instead, I'm trying this thing where you do two reflections, a dark spot of color in the center, do the higher half of the iris a shade lighter than the middle, and the bottom half a shade lighter still.
If you look closely, though, you'll see the thrd girl's eye is a bit different. I did three reflections and then shaded the eye dark to light, from bottom to top. It's an interesting turnout.
I'm also having fun with shading. I mean, Manga hair is like, a lot of fun, but it's given so much more difinement when you give it a shine. Girl #3 was my test run for doing it without the shine. What do you think?
Well, that's all I have to say for now. If you have any comments, let me know!



  1. Those are so cool!!! Super job on the shading! And the eyes are awesome! Cool new technique. I also love the way you draw their hair and faces. They are really cute :)

  2. shine or no shine, either way looks good. And I love how the eyes seem to sparkle.

  3. Oh--since I didn't say it in this post--I thought I had, but I guess not--the top drawing was my first picture of Allison Sharp, the girl I posted yesterday. Thanks and sorry for the confusion!
