Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ashley Tinser

Lost here. Alright, Ashley. I had a few problems drawing her, so sorry if her eyes look white, they`re supposed to be light blue, and sorry if her skirt looks..... You know what, never mind. Hopefully you can`t tell what happened there..... Anyway, Ashley`s a dancer that got into some program/performance thing at the Moscow Ballet theater, having absolutely NO idea what was in store for her there. She loves accessories, her grandmother, and reading. She hates flying, has impatience for formalities of any sort, and don`t even mention America`s Got Talent in front of her, it won`t bode well. So yeah, that`s Ashley.
~Lost out


  1. Lol, Lost... Have you posted HIM yet? She'll throw a fit...


  2. LOL! I love her earrings! They're so cool :D
