Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Lost here. So I think most of us are familiar with the fairy-tale of Sleeping Beauty and how it most untruthfully portrays Aurora as a sweet darling girl, etc. When REALLY, she was kind of a royal pain. I mean this prince guy went through all of this trouble to rescue her from eternal sleep, and the first thing she says to him? "Thou hast killed a dragon on my mother`s living-room rug? Ye must not value your life." And then she stocks out into a world that`s 100 years ahead of her without the least bit of thanks. Shocking. 

~Lost out 


  1. Such a beautiful depiction! I love the shading and the tone of the colors.

    What an ungrateful, spoiled princess! :P

  2. What a dramaticly awesome picture! Wow. Poor prince.

  3. haha, but the thing is, that most people don't know, is that the prince was a jerk too! It's a fact. He was only rescuing her because he thought she was cute. And then, because, (as you know) it was 100 years later, she had no where to go. So she went to live with his family, and after a whole lot of bugging eachother they finally got married.


  4. Well, at least it turned out right in the end.

  5. Oh yeah, and forgot to say this, there isn`t actually a dragon in the story of Sleeping Beauty, but I don`t think every-one in town should be scared to go into the woods because of a bunch of poky plants. ~Lost out
