Monday, January 2, 2012

Blonde Girl

This is Miriam Season.
Me: So Miriam, tell us about your life.
MS: Well, it was pretty boring up untill recently. You see, I lived in a... Well... It is, I guess, what you'd call an imaginary world. One day I was messing around in some guy's attic and discovered a weird invention. I'm kind of an idiot, so I tried it on myself. It brought me to earth. It was kind of a shock. Ok, a real shock. I was landed in California with no money, no place to stay, nothing. 
Me: Wow. What did you do? 
MS: Got a job as a waitress at a cute little cafe in a small town. I'm thinking about writing a book--plenty of ideas from where I was from!
Me: Cool! I'll catch up with you later, Miriam! Thanks for talking!
MS: Anytime!