Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kyle Rower

Lost here. Ok, now if you read the post on Minerva Stella you`d understand who this one is. And no, he certainly was NOT happy when a giant water balloon came crashing down on him. In fact if I recall correctly he ran up the stairs and chased Min around the school upsetting some cafeteria things among other inanimate objects, and a few people. Then it was just a matter of charming the Principle into not telling his parents.....
~Lost Out


  1. Hahaha I pretty much already know this answer, but I just want to make sure, this was Lost, right?

    Go Minerva! I'm on her side. :) Awesome job, Lost and Found!

  2. Oops, yeah, sorry, I keep forgetting to sign them.

  3. WHAT!!!!!????? You`re on MIN`S side!!!!!????? This... That`s... I mean, you can`t be on that demon spawned..... er, sweet little... *cough* *cough* side!!!!! What an outrage... She filled my locker up with shaving gel last year. And the year before that, nothing less than introduced me to the three scariest people on the planet, and she makes Valentine`s Day cards to teachers and signs my name on them! Don`t let her deceive you!!!!!

  4. Oh yeah. Very impressive. Sure. Ah, poor Kyle. :(
