Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter Sunday everyone!!!
Have a lovely day!
~Lost out

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gavin McGregor

I was reflecting upon some troubling things the other day.

One was that the plural of 'knife' is 'knives', but the plural of 'Giraffe' isn't 'Girraves'. 
This continues to irritate my mind exceedingly.

Another was that the length of my shoelaces in ratio to my clumsiness could probably lower my life expectancy. ...But more on that another time....

It was then that I realized that I haven't drawn anyone with any darker skin than 'kinda` sunburned'. 
Then I ran into Gavin. 
I think he might work at a train station. 

Have a lovely Easter, if I can't post again before then!

-Lost out

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lena Rose.

Yet another of Rosie. Sorry. I'm just really excited about this character!

Rosie again.

Yes. I did. I went over yesterday's picture and colored it. So sue me.
So tis is Rosie again.
Mom pointed something out that I want to clarify--that kind of poof of hair in the front ARE NOT BANGS. Her hair just goes like that when she holds it back from her face. :)


Friday, March 22, 2013

Lena Rose Foster and a letter to Sharpie.

This is Rosie.
Rosie loves life.
I don't know too much about her yet, but she's a character in this story I'm going to start soon. She's going to be fun, I can tell, which is good. I need a new fun character, because I finished Sharpie's story.
I know. I'm really sad. It's okay, she's still alive. But her story is over.
I'll still be visiting her occasionally, as we write her friend's life. But she won't be the main character anymore. She won't come in as much.
So I wrote this letter to Sharpie, and I'm going to share it with you all. No, you don't HAVE to read it, but you can if you want to.

Dear Sharpie,
Thanks for being awesome. I really put you through a lot of emotional havoc, and I know it's hard. You didn't always react how you should have--you were sensitive and quick tempered. But nobody is perfect, and if you were, quite frankly I would hate you. But you aren't perfect, you are a flawed person, just like me. And I think that's why I like you so much. Cuz even though you were never real, you were my friend.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that you were perfect in a real way, a kind of warped perfect. You were perfect to me. And you swallowed your pride a couple of times to apologize to people, like I need to learn to do. You learned that friendship is really special, and you can't always have your way in life. Friendship is a compromise, a journey. Now you learned that, I need to.
So that's all I have. Thanks again, Sharpie.
Your Author.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase

See, I WOULD'VE said Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, like, in order of appearance, but that doesn't sound right.
Sorry for the creepy blank eyeballs thing. I tried several times to fix that but to no avail.
I'm also sorry for Percy's arms and right leg being totally out of whack. I got sick of drawing him.

You may have noticed that I haven't been colouring anything in. It's just because I'm lazy. Sorry. You'll just have to imagine the colour. Anyway, this picture started with Annabeth's hair--I saw a picture of a teenager wearing her hair like that and I just instantly went "I'm going to go draw that." And then I realized it looked kind of Greeky so it turned into Annabeth. And I immediately associated Annabeth with Percy. So there you have it. 

Happy St. Joseph's feast day.
~Lost out

Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm lost in Jane Austen's England, and my time-machine isn't working, so I drew this to pass the time until I could get home.

I haven't been drawing a ton lately.
First it was because I had seen a few pictures that someone had drawn somewhere, and I was depressed into not drawingness by their awesomeness. And then just because I was reading and not on the computer a lot.
But then we had some college students over last night, and I got to talking with this one guy, who can pretty much do anything. (He plays guitar, airsoft, minecraft, ping-pong, watches Doctor Who and has seen Pride and Prejudice several times--that might have been forced, I'm not sure--He's memorized literal trailers, AND he knows a lot about manga. Yeah.) Anyway, so I was talking to this guy about drawing, (And as you can tell, a lot of other things,) and he got me itching to draw again.
So I stuck my tongue out at those artists who are better than me and promised that one day I'd be up there with them. (MUAHAHAHAHA.)
This was the result.

She's kind of different from my other girls. Her nose is bigger, but that might be the influence of Cyrano de Bergerac--I just saw the play; the Catholic school of the community put it on. I've been sighing ever since. *Sigh.*
Her eyes are also glassier, and I stuck a background in there. See? I even made a guy proposing to a girl who has my hair!
The background isn't colored on purpose--Mom suggested just doing the skin, and I kinda like it that way.
I don't know who she's looking at, so feel free to decide.


Couple of guys...

I know. I need to draw more girls. 
The one on the top I did a couple of weeks ago and the one on the bottom I was touching up late last night. 

Happy Day After St. Patrick's Day!
Must be an ugly Monday in Ireland... Hangovers and such... 
~Lost out

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Braided hair again...

Here's a younger, more cartoony version of that girl with the braid that I posted earlier today. I'm still not sure what time period she lives in, but I had to put some clothes on her, and this is what I came up with.

I want to learn to draw Disney style. How fun would it be to be able to draw disney fanart? Unfortunately, they don't seem to have many books on drawing cartoons. And I can't really search online much because of the inernet safety stuff my parents put on. So I suppose I should watch some Disney princess movies and pause them a lot. You know, take screenshots and stuff.


Top hats are cool.

I had this neat idea about this girl in a green coat with a top hat and a cane. I didn't draw her legs. Sorry.


Bobbie Ashton

I was drawing short hair.


So, I was drawing....
No surprise there, but when I start a post with that, get ready for another strange ramble.
I really want to name this girl Frankie. You know, short for Francesca. But I know a guy named Frank, and people call him Frankie sometimes because apparently he hates it. So if I named her that, I'd be naming her after him. Which would be lame.
So I think I'll name her Mandy instead. (I named the wintery one Maggie.)

Which brings me to the backstory.
This is Mandy. Short for Amanda. She lives in this steampunk sci-fi world, and she's a repair girl in this air station. She lives up there in the sky with her head underneath broken ships all day, and at night she climbs up to her loft and peers out the window, gazing up at the stars.
That's all I got. Use your imagination for the rest of her story.


Braids are fun to draw, even though I'm not good at them yet....

So I've been turning this character over in my mind for a while. All I know is that she's got a long braid and she's small and pert and has really sparkly blue eyes.
I have more pictures to post, but I'll have to get to them later today, as I suddenly am very busy. :)


Proflie on a guy.

This is me practicing profile view on a boy.
Or actually, he's more of a young man at this point. Whatever. I was experimenting, and I didn't have a reference.


Betsy Ray

So I drew this last night in a fit of wishing that I lived in a Betsy~Tacy book. Mom says I made her nose look red. I say she was either blushing or cold.
Okay, yes. This is Betsy. Her hair looks like that because it was up in what they called a pompadour, and I drew it by looking at the illustrations in the edition that I have. 


Saturday, March 2, 2013


So I believe that I might have mentioned my getting a panda hat for Christmas. Did I also mention that I named it Walter? Indeed.
There's a wonderful sense of satisfaction when you name and article of clothing and then get your friends to start calling it by name. I experienced this satisfaction when even the boys gave in. Walter and I were victorious.

Anyway, this hoodie is NOT Walter. It is, in fact, just a hoodie. But the girl's name is Emma Gardener. She's fond of pandas, manga, and cake. But not cupcakes. Cupcakes are imposters.
