Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Howdy everyone!

It's five bucks to the person that can answer this question. (not REALLY, but I'll hold you very high in my esteem) (I'm too lazy to look it up, but I respect people that aren't) Here it is:

Is the word 'howdy' really 'how do you?' except with a southern accent??? Because if it is I've been using it all wrong for over a decade now.
Please post your answer (or whatever else) in comments.

Anyway, I'm drawing Artemis Fowl now. (more too appeal to Found's... (ahem) great... life than mine)
And, it'll take me a while, because I intend to do one Artemis Fowl for every vote. (so like, 8 of them or something) So, while I'm working on these, I might not be posting for a teensy bit. Please be patient, Found's on vacation.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of that gobbledigook, (you could look that one up too, while your at it)
~Lost out


  1. Yup, it is!! I've actually just remembered that after I read your post!! I remember learning that it was a while ago, but I totally forgot. lol, I think everyone's been using it wrong for a while now. XD

    I can't wait to see your Artemis!

    1. Really??? Haha I hold you even higher in my esteem now Emily. Thanks!

  2. NEVER thought of it that way before...you just opened up my soul to an ENTIRELY different world....

  3. (j.k.) but no, it's still pretty awesome.

    1. Haha, you're going through a midlife crisis at age 15.
