Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Secret To The Universe. Trust me.

Hallo, everyone!
I haven't left on vaca yet, and am still trying to cram as much drawing into my day as possible.
Okay, I drew the top one last night but I penned it in and shaded it this morning. I don't know much of the history of the couple, but it's something along the lines of (From the boy's point of view) "Oh-my-gosh-why-is-she-hugging-me-what-do-I-do-Why-is-she-crying-What-happened!?". I almost put her in a cowgirl hat but decided the pic would look nicer without it.

The middle one was my attempt to better myself in the art of profiles. You might have noticed that most of my side-viewed people look like horses--I'm trying to fix that, but unfortunately can't seem to get the hang of it. So this is Alice, from her adventures in Wonderland, looking a little crumpled and messed up. Hey, it was a sketch--no complaining!

Pic #3 is a re-do of a girl I made up. Her name is Allison Sharp, and I think I posted her the other pic of her previously. I like this one a lot more than el numero uno--I don't know, she just looks a little cuter and more bouncy in this one. I think I captured her hyperness a little!
Why, may you ask, do I talk about my pictures like they're real people?
The world will never know.

P.S. Don't listen to my brother. The real secret to the universe is Tea. Earl Grey, if you can get it.


  1. Replies
    1. Lost, of COURSE they're real people--Don't be ridiculous! We just don't want everyone to think we're crazy, remember?

    2. I think it might be too late for that......

  2. You guys are so funny.

    I think your profiles are wonderful. This particular one reminds me of the drawings from the Disney fairy books by Gail Carson Levine (illustrated by David Christiana). And yes, that's a compliment! You should so get your stuff published someday.

    1. I've read those books! Thank you!
      I think that'd be so cool--maybe writing and drawing a Manga book someday. After I get a lot better, of course! ;D

  3. I think all of those sketches are awesome!! Nice job!! :D
