Monday, July 9, 2012

Sad Songs--Are they bad for you? I seriously hope not.

Hi, It's Found!
I just wanna say that I personally believe that the uppermost of these two drawings looked a lot better in person. And before you ask, no, I'm not depressed, I was just listening to some kinda sad songs while I was sketching, and music often affects my work, so I came out with this. I usually have backstories for my people, but this girl here has a really sad one so I'm not going to air her personal matters for the world to see. It's none of our business what happens in her personal life.

This second pic here is kind of funny if you're my age and I've been showering you with my fanfictional life secrets. It's a running joke between me and other members of the A.F.F.C. (The Artemis Fowl Fan Club) that I'm going to marry Artemis Fowl when I grow up. Again, for the bazillionth time, if you haven't read the series, they're written by Eoin Colfer, and the last book is coming out tomorrow--EEK! So that picture right there is (clockwise from the left corner) Me, Artemis Fowl, Myles Fowl, and Beckett Fowl. Sorry if Artemis doesn't look like you imagine him--I think I spent an hour drawing and re-drawing his face. I mean, it's hard to imagine him SMILING, so I had nothing to work with!
Just to clear it with y'all, this picture does NOT COUNT as the poll winner. Nope. I'm going to leave it as un-done until Lost either draws him or makes me draw him--I just did this for fun. ;D

Also, I'm going to be leaving on vacation in a few days, and won't be back for a while! I obviously won't be posting during that time, so please don't think I've abandoned the CausE. (Capital C, capital E, copyright 1989) (Please don't ask, I couldn't help but put that it--Another running joke with a few of my pals. You know who you are.)

After that extremely long monologue,
Found Out.


  1. The CausE is like the AFFC's rival. Choose your sides carefully. There is a 50% chance that you will regret it...*evil laughing fades into the background*

  2. Oh, and I forgot to say that I love the one of you and Arty!

    1. Thanks--You'd better. I worked long and hard on that! :D

  3. I can't imagine them looking better in person! =) How was vacation by the way?
