Friday, June 29, 2012

Just a few words...

Okay, so, the first picture is for all of you who have read the Hunger Games series. It's Gale, Katniss, and Peeta (Left to right.) The second is a really bad picture of, again, Katniss--I was tired and my eyes were drooping shut--It's not that great. Anyway,
I don't know what the third picture's of.... Just a girl hidden behind some leaves, I guess.
Thanks for looking!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two Guys and Some Announcements

Hi, it's Found!
Okay, so, first I'll talk about the pics, and then I'll do the REAL talking.
Okay, so...  Mr. Pity Me on top was kind of an experiment to see if I could make someone, well, a guy, look kind of hurt and sad. It worked, I think. He looks rather depressed in a satisfactory kind of way.
The pilot person on the bottom was really annoying. Okay, so I give him a ski-cap and goggles, but was he satisfied? NO! HE wanted to be a stupid science fiction pilot. I said, "It's your funeral," and tried to change it. But what a pain! Nothing was matching up! I'm still not entirely pleased with the angle of the picture--his arm looks weird. Gosh! Next time someone asks for a different backstory, I'm going to have to tell them to live with it or change their fortunes themselves. I mean, Mr. Give Me More was all like, "Make my history tragic, but with a tint of hope in it." I mean, seriously? You want tragic? I hope he regrets it now, because his backstory is about as tragic as I could make it. Serves him right. Beggars can't be choosers.

Okay, so, first off, this was my first week of Juniour Lifeguards and it just about killed me. That being said, I don't know if I'll be able to do a lot of posting for a while--after JG's there's about a week til vacation. So, please don't be shocked if I'm not very consistant. I'm trying.

Also, our Request Poll is ending, and I had a few notes on that. Lost and I set it up so that if the two lower choices on the poll were chosen, I'd do them, and the two higher would be Lost's. However, it might be a while before Lost can post next, so I apologize. We set it up that way so that she would have to do the boy. =D


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Couple o' girls

Hi! Can't chat long, but it's Found.
Okay, so, the poses are from Mark Crilley's Mastering Manga book, but the people are from my imagination! The first's name is Jay, and that long thing running down her face is a scar. Second's name is Yvette, and... Well, that's all, I guess.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This is so fun....

Found here!

The top picture doesn't really have a story behind it except that I'm trying out more boys!
Second Picture: I was going for a fairy tale type thing. I can usually only draw cool people if I have inspiration. The inspiration behind this was my collection of Fairy Tales. My dad said, "He looks like he's going to go and beat someone up!"
Gotta go, bye!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wispy hair and New approach on clothes

Hi! It's your friendly neighborhood blogger, Found.
I have nothing to say for Pic One except for I'm not perfect at profiles.
Anyway, to the point. The second picture: I'm trying to pay more detail to wrinkles in the clothing now. I'm also working more on how I shade stuff. Personally, I like the ending result. BUT, as everyone knows, there's always a lot of room for improvement! Still getting the kinks out on deciding how the folds in clothing go, all that good stuff. You may see a lot of clothing in the future--I don't know.
Anyway, that's all for now! Thanks for reading! You guys are great!


Friday, June 8, 2012

Pencil + Pen

Hi! It's Found.
Okay, the first picture is Elizabeth Bennet. I drew her forever ago, but never got around to scanning her. (I usually scan several pictures at a time, since it's such a pain, and I had nothing to scan her with.)
I don't know why she's so surprised looking, but there you go.
(Pic #2) I think I'm settling in to my style for Manga people! I loooooove this kind of eye! Okay, so the reason she's holding a button is because I was up allll night last night thinking out a plotline for a story. I then realized I needed a main character. No duh, right? Anyway, the plot was about this person... well, I guess it was a bit of a cross between Thumbelina and Stewart Little. About 38% like that. But then, suddenly, it isn't.  So, she's this tiny person, like a Polly Pocket size, I think. The button is there to alert you that she isn't the size that most people are. Hope you like!

Okay, so, this is the part of my post where I throw out a random subject and monologue about it!
I tried out my watercolor pencils for the first time today, and OH MY GOSH!!!! How COOL IS THIS? Like, hello!? Colored pencils plus watercolor? Who came up with that? They should get an award. SOOOO cool. Try it--neatest thing since Prismacolor!

Note to the Reader: If you guys have any experience with Manga books, and have an absolute fave that you'd like to recommend, tell me! I'm always looking for help!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sketch and Monologue About Horses

Okay, so, Found here!
Lost isn't going to be posting for a while, so yup. It'll just be me!
Sorry I've been posting so many computer pictures--It's just kinda fun trying stuff out on the computer. This here drawing is a sketchy thingy I did--like, the only cheating i did was on the side of the face and the eyebrows--see where it's really straight? The rest was with a normal pen, usually on pen size 2, just doodling. It actually came out kind of nice! Who knew, right?
I'm going to try to draw a lot more--it's the scanning that really bugs me, though--I'll try to post more often.
Oh--I have to say this really quick--When I was like five I drew this little picture of a horse--like, totally random, but it was pretty good.
And, if you'll believe, I think it's the best horse I've ever drawn, and that includes any I've done for the past few years. I'll try to find it and post it and you'll see what I mean. Like, have you guys ever seen me draw a horse? No? Well, there's a reason for that. I can't draw animals!!!!! If anyone as any tips or whatever, please let me know in the comments section. I FAIL!
I'll try to post again later! Talk to y'all soon!