Saturday, May 26, 2012

Yet another chibi...

I was thinking earlier, again, on how different my style has gotten. I mean, in the beginning of this blog's existance, people had a hard time distinguishing Lost's drawing's from mine. Now, it's like, sooooo different.
So, here's another Chibi. In case you were curious, it's a screenshot from a larger picture I was working on. Those weird black things she's wearing are boots. My brother thought that the lighting on the hair was a bit ridiculous, but hey, at least it looks like a person, right? I mean, look at Picasso!

Manga Heads

Let me be the first to say that girl #3's neck is too thin. Thank you.

Hi, guys! It's Found! I know it's been a while--I've not been scanning stuff a lot, and I started a sketchbook, which is hard to scan onto the computer. So here's what I've been doing, glued to the screen, for the last couple days.
Okay, so you'll notice that these girls' eyes don't really have any defined pupil. That is to say, no black dot. Instead, I'm trying this thing where you do two reflections, a dark spot of color in the center, do the higher half of the iris a shade lighter than the middle, and the bottom half a shade lighter still.
If you look closely, though, you'll see the thrd girl's eye is a bit different. I did three reflections and then shaded the eye dark to light, from bottom to top. It's an interesting turnout.
I'm also having fun with shading. I mean, Manga hair is like, a lot of fun, but it's given so much more difinement when you give it a shine. Girl #3 was my test run for doing it without the shine. What do you think?
Well, that's all I have to say for now. If you have any comments, let me know!


Thursday, May 17, 2012


Found here!
Okay, so the top gal here is Avery Elvaron, from this story I'm writing with a few friends. I'm not sure when this specific scene happened, but whatever. Anyway, I'd tell about Chbi #2, but my little siblings are being super buggy and trying to boot me off. So, yeah. Toodle-loo, y'all!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mattie Mae Birchwood

Hi, y'all!
It's the Chibi craze--it's got me in it's death grip.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

CHIBI!!! (That's pronounced CHEE-bee.)

Greetings from a certified BIG KID!!!!!!!
My birthday was yesterday! (Cheers and hoots from offstage!)
My Mater and Pater (Or, translated from Latin, Mom and Dad,) got me this awesome Chibi drawing book by Christopher Hart. I like Chibis because, believe it or not, they are INCREDIBLY EASY to draw! Like, seriously! I got the book yesterday, and that evening I Chibi-fied my and my friend! (Unfortunately I am not currently in posession of the said picture, therefore I cannot post it...) Anyway, I highly recommend the book if you're learning Chibi. It's called, like, Chibis for Beginners, or something like that, and has many SUPERcute illustrations.
I just realized that it sounds as if I'm trying to sell you the book. :P
~Found (As in, I found the awesomest chibi book ever.)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Venia Cruise take 2

Yes, it`s come down to reposting.
Sorry, but I liked the way she came out when I changed the colours up a bit. 

Have a great day!
~Lost out


Another guy that I changed a bit on iphoto. 
Sorry if I`m boring, I`ll try to draw more interesting stuff soon.
~Lost out

Some dude...

Not sure what his name is, but again, I made him look awesomer with another iphoto trick.
I just found out awesomer isn't a word. You learn something new every day, I guess.
Hope you enjoy! 
~Lost out

The Dark Knight

Batman 1 and 2.
The first one was the original, then the second I edited on iphoto.
Lots and lots of fun.
Right, that having been said,
HI!!! Lost here, I`m a huge fan of batman, not many people know this. 
I`m DYING to see the movie that's coming out in... whenever it's coming out... I guess...
Anyway, hope ya`all had a nice weekend.
~Lost out 

Sorry he looks so angry, but that's just 
kind of a batman THING, you know?
And I think I need to make his neck thicker.....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Vale Richman

Okay, so, I was not really trying to make this a five star drawing, so the background isn't colored, her hands look horrific, and I actually didn't draw past her knees. But as the-people-who-live-in-my-head used to say, (and still do. :P), "It's the face that matters." And the face is what I was going for. So meet Vale Richman, whose tragic story is a secret kept by all who know it. This is a snapshot from one of the more heartbreaking parts of her life.
Anyhooo, like on the "Bonnie Wee Lassie" post, I drew a new type of eye on her. Let me know what you think! I'm liking it so far, except for the fact that all of my people with these eyes look sad and dismally depressed. I'm still working on that.

Bonnie Wee Lassie...

...Or, translated, awesome scottish girl. Well, the "wee" is "small," but, well, she's not REALLY that tiny. Whatevs.
Anyway, I sketched this at Choir practice, with two of my friends giving me input. ("Make that plaid." "Make the leggings red.") So, this is dedicated to them. You two, you know who you are.
Anyway, I discovered, coloring this in, that I really like doing plaid. So you might see a lot of it in the future. Or not. It's hard to tell, really.
So, as you can see, I've started drawing a couple of outfits from different countries. Like, the kinda toga-y thingy that Artemis was wearing. And the plaid-y scottish thing that this here gal has on. I was considering doing a kinda sorta not really chinese-y thing. What are they called? Those things that look kinda like fancy bathrobes but with those neat bandy things around the middle... Um... Well, if any people who care about what it's called and what it's supposed to look like come on and see it, I hope they won't be offended if I am not fashionably accurate. Because I do absolutely no research at all for anything. If I get it right, YAY! If not.... ummmm....


Hi y'all! It's Found.

'Kay, this has to be brief since I'm holdinng my baby brother, but here's Artemis, Greek goddess of the Hunt. And sometimes the moon. Not really sure how that happened--wasn't there some other goddess who was supposed to be in charge of the night? I can't remember her name. Anyway, Yup. That's her, right there. Bring out the confetti.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Penelope and Angie...?

Hi, people!
It's Found!
So, I was thinking about who these people were, and I might have to get back to you on that. It's either (left to right) Penelope and Angie, or someone else I haven't decided about yet. Anyway, they wer edrawn to look very surprised, but my mom was looking at them and said they didn't look very surprised at all. So I really don't know what story to type about whatever it is they're looking at. Maybe they're reading a sign about something or other. Or they're looking at a picture by Monet and trying to decipher its secrets. Really, it's up to you, and if you have a good story for whatever it is, feel free to tell us about it in the comments section.
As you can see, I've been drawing just this type of eye lately. I'm going to try and branch out and draw some different types, but I haven't actually done it yet.... Haha.
Anyway, I drew a picture of Artemis (Not Artemis Fowl, Artemis from Greek myths.) It's for my coloring book, so I have to scan it, and then color it, and then scan it again, colored, and then post it, before I can show you. But it's coming. Eventually.

Ta-Ta for now!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Lost here.
This is a 13 year-old pixie, her name is Moe.
She`s an odd little thing, but like some pixies, she loves mismatched clothing.
And some-times she can even manage to make it work.
Anyway, her voice is so high-pitched that it gets grating after a while, and she knows this,
so when she speaks, she delivers short, precise sentences.
~Lost out

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


(Psst! It's still Me!)
So I drew this person's face, and then I was like, Ok, so, what to do for her hat? I eventually was like, I can tier it like a wedding cake! So I sketched out some teirs, but then the top two evolved into a princess hat and some sort of wing. And then I thought, OOOHHHH! Its like a dress up box ON HER HEAD!!!! So I added bubbles and stars and flowers and fluffy stuff and then, BIBBITY BOBBITY BOO!
Dress up bin.


Hi, It's your very favorite person, Found!
The inspiration for this dress was found on a hike that I went on the other week. I was walking in the back of the line with my friend, and I was talking about the dress I drew for her, and then I was like, off in my own little dress designing world, mentally sewing up this and that and creating this medieval masterpiece.
I'm tooting my own horn, but yeah. I like it. :D


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Manga Attempts

Hi People!
It's Found, as you can probably tell from the pictures...
All of these were How-To-Draws in my Awesomest Manga Book Ever!

This is a little kids who's hair I had no patience to color darkly. I guess I'm getting lazy!

Like my Manga Girl, I used one of my fave pencils for his hair--But this one I forgot the name of. It was like, peacock or something. 

You know, the more I see this guy, the less sure I am that I like him. Dunno what I did wrong!

Anyway, thanks for looking! I'll try to post more often--I'm currently trying to piece together a coloring book for kids. My mom says I should make one and sell it on Etsy--Your thoughts?