Friday, December 9, 2011

The Calttarah

Lost here. 

So not many humans have ever heard of the Calttarah, not many ever will. They live in the Alpha Quadrant, they`re actually good friends with the Plutarieks. Anyway, the Calttarah thrive on making life difficult, for EVERY-ONE. They love destroying things and they don`t see why that might annoy other races. Besides that they`re very friendly though, so don`t be too prejudiced against them. They make nice tea. Here`s a girl Calttarah.

~Lost Out


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A few more computer things...

The first thing is like some sort of light/sun/water/wind fairy...  Yeah. 
And the second...  If you don't ask, I won't needto tell you. We'll leave it at that.


Aliens DO exsist!

Hi! It's found! Yes, I have some pictures but I need to scan them and it'll take forever so in the meantime I'm posting these. I hope no one minds. Ok, so, the one on top is Xanthia Myth, and GUESS WHAT!? That's ME!
Well, right now you're prolly like, uh, haha, NOT. But it's true! I am an alien from Squadron 17. I am a member of the intergalactic Council, etc. etc. I am posting this because, GUESS WHAT NOW!? A few aliens (Lost informed me of this) Just destroyed your outpost on Fifth Rock. Wahhh.

Anyway, The second is this girl who just broke my friends heart by getting herself engaged to Lord Fleebag Shwizzie... If you want the whole story, I might get back to you on that. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Well these to pictures are very different..... Anyway, Lost here still. The first one is a redo of this girl I did named Danielle Slight, I might`ve put her on an earlier post..... And the second is this girl named Gwendolyn Row, (the one with green streaks in her hair) I think she`s a redo also, but I can`t remember. Anyway, Gwen`s a dancer, she super funny, she goes to private school, and she`s super short and she really doesn`t like it. Oh, and in the pic of Danielle Slight, her dress didn`t scan very well so it looks super white, but really it`s a complete light blue colour. Happy Holidays every-one!
~Lost out

Jennifer Kale and Samantha Rowenhard

Lost here. So the first pic (^^) is of a girl named Jennifer Kale, she has a long tragic tale that I`ll go into another time. (meaning as soon as I can figure out what it is) And the second one, (^) is of a girl named Samantha Rowenhard. (pronounced Roe-en-erd) And if she looks like a total pain in the neck, well, most of us probably would if we had to wear a dress like that. (In other words, she finds it hard to breath in, she doesn`t like the colour pink, and it`s itchy)
~Lost out

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Caspian and Hestia

The boy is Caspian and the girl is Hestia....  Well, backstory. The boy's always smiling which really bugs the girl to the point where she can't stand it. Whicg is kinda unfortunate since she doesn't like boys in the first place. Anyway, this is him all like, "FIST PUMP!!!!!!!!!" and she's like, "Dude? Really?"


Wood Nymph Person

Hi! Found here! Yeah, I know it's been a while, I've been reading a lot...  Anyway, I don't know who this is but I think she resembles some kind of nymph person. So that's who she is!

Found    P.S. her name is Elle.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Poor beat up half burned alive kid

Hey guys! Lost here. Sorry things have been slow, just haven`t really found the time. Anyway, here`s a pic of this guy named Charles Raver, poor kid, barely made it to 16 in one piece. Sorry if he didn`t scan very well, I did him in coloured pencil and some-times the light shined through too much. And sorry if he looks super mad.....
~Lost out    

Monday, October 31, 2011

I`m back!

Heeeeeeellllllloooooo Lost here again. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERY-ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO excited.

Anyway, here`s a pic I did a little while ago. They don`t have names but all of you will either sympathize with the older girl or the younger girl, the older sister (or mom or whatever) wants to get home for some-reason or other while the little girl has the same intentions but just happens to make a friend along the way.
Your choice, but I was always the little girl.

~Lost out

Friday, October 28, 2011

Layla Trust

Layla Trust really likes tire swings. We'll leave it at that.


Some girls....

Hi! Its Found.

Jasper Black (top) didn't scan too well. Some of my girls just don't. But she says that if you got into an uncomfortable machine that took pics of you, you wouldn't be able to hold still either.

Another pic of repunzel...  (middle) Well, Prince Charming dumped her and she moved back into the tower. He sent her some chocolate and a Kindle by way of an apology. She's reading Goose Girl, by the way. It's by Shannon Hale, if you wanna read it. Oh, and she forgave the prince and is now in love with Jack the Giant Killer, so it all worked out.

Truth Morgan (Bottom) was sent to a school for slightly troublesome kids. In that pic she just knocked over an umbrella stand, which knocked over a table, which dragged against a rope, which was attached to a big canopy, which happened to be right over the headmistress's head....   you get the picure.


Catching up...

In answer to what probably was your first question, yes, the girl on the bottom's skin IS green. She's a frog princess person who was cursed at birth by an evil fairy. She was really pretty but her skin was green so no one loved her. Then she met the Frog prince and it all worked out. The end.
Pic number one didn't scan that well, but she's a girl who looks a lot like barbie....
Pic number two is a girl named Daisy; i posted her several times before. She was really anxious for some reason and thats how i drew her. She says not to think she was weird for wearing that dress, she was in a play.

Hi! Sorry about not posting! But now ive a lot of pics so here come the floods....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Princess Clarissa

Though many do not know, all the princesses in fairytales are related to eachother. Cinderella is Snow White's Mum, Snow White is Sleeping Beauty's, etc. Think about it--Each of these girls had a really famous story: The glass slipper, the poison apple, the golden hair. For a little princess--that's a lot to live up to. Up to it?

Anyone wanna write a book for me?  :D


Spock in 2 minutes

Hey so I`m not sure how many of you have watched or heard of Star Trek (Lost here) but here`s a pic of Spock the Vulcan. Bear with my weirdness just this one last time. This took me 2 minutes. *2* whole minutes.

~Lost out

Computer Drawn

Hi Found here! Wow, ten days to halloween! Pretty exiting! Anyway, We have this computer paint thing, and so the first pic...  Um, well, We watch this show, Doctor Who, and it's a time traveling machine thingamabob going through the Time Vortex. Yeah. :D Pic number two is a girl who...  um...  I dunno, it's just a girl. Indeed. Pic number three is a girl sitting on a hill... It's actually kind of a creepy picture, once you think about it. Well, thats that. Oh, and please ignore Lost's Pumpkin post. I have absolutely NO intention of getting bit by an evil feind, therefore there is no need to ATTACK me, IS there, Lost? Ahem. Anyway, Lost is the evil one. 
By the way, I'm sorry we've been so bad about posting! It's been kind of busy around here, etc. :D So bbye, have a great week, etc etc. Seeya!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin carving

In my opinion the best pumpkins are those carved on the computer.
Happy Halloween!!!!! ~Lost out

Son of Zeus

So this guy`s name is Thane, his dad is Zeus and since he`s sitting here staring at me awkwardly I guess I`ll just let him introduce himself.....

..... THANK YOU. Right, so hi, my name`s Thane. If you ever go to Olympus and see the Throne room thing and just happen to notice that dorky looking chair over in the corner, yeah, that`s where I usually am. They`re not sure what to do with me because my dad is a god and my mom`s mom is a goddess and my mom`s dad was a half-blood so I`m practically a god but then again not quite. It`s kind of annoying. And before I leave, a hint of advice, if you`re a 7 year old kid and your dad comes home and says "Hey kiddo! Guess what????? I got you some THUNDER DOGS!!!!!", now matter how good he makes it sound, tell him you don`t want them. Really. Cus` otherwise he`ll probably chain them to your wrist and some-how 'accidentally' feed the key to one of them. ('Who knows which one????? They all look the same!') Trust me. I speak from experience. It`s like having a hundred ton yoyo to tug around all of the time. Plus Hephaestus just some-how "Can`t attempt to get them off!". Anyway, may your life be dogless and long.

~Lost out

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A few girls

Hi, it's Found. Really sorry about the break, but all my drawings didn't qualify as "Postable" to me, so i didn't put em up. Any way I have a pic of repunzel coming (Just have to do the background) It should be pretty funny. Ok, so person 1# is someone in a ballgown (duh) but I haven't picked a name for her yet so there's no properly introducing her. People 2# and 3# are Lia and Annie, two new hogwarts students. As you can see it's become a "Thing" to use their wands to keep their hair up. And pic 4#  is a girl named Mirand Ash, I don't know what her story is but I like her hair. Thanks!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hold on

Hey folks! Lost here. 

Sorry for the lack of.... Nothingliness. More drawings are on their way, we just haven`t gotten around to finishing a few of them. We`ll post them soon! 

~Lost out 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hey! Lost here. Anyway, this is a pic that I just did on the comp, it`s supposed to be this planet called Galifrey from the show Doctor Who. Hope ya`ll like it!
~Lost out

Professor Lockhart

For all you Harry Potter fans out there, I present: The most thickheaded Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher there ever was, is, and ever will be. Want his autograph? (You should be laughing.)

~Found      :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Some computer pics i did

Hi it's Found. Anyway person #1 is Holly Short (See Artemis Fowl series) My brother says she has the wrong color skin but that's what i picture it to be like so ha. Person number two is a jet pilot name Sabrina King. Yeah, it's a girl. Anyway I'm working on some actual drawn picture soplease forgive my tardiness! Talk to you later, peoples! (And don't forget to check under your bed for tooth fairies, I heard they were getting tired of waiting and have started actually yanking teeth out of peoples mouths. Just a friendly piece of advise.) Bye!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Erro Lost

(My Style Studio) So sorry if her eyes look a little creepy I was testing something..... Anyway, so long folks!
~Lost out

*9* Dancing Princesses

So from left to right of the tall ones it`s Claire, Veronica, Jazmine, Rezalia and Octavia. The four little ones from left to right are Annie, Lia, Gracie and Macie. Their last name is Flounce and they`re all daughters to a queen. Except instead of being like 'Ah I HATE being a princess!!!!! You have to dress up and wear a tiara and be polite ALL the time!!!!!' They totally take advantage of it. (Sorry for the left hand corner, my hair was wet and it dripped onto the page) Anyway, it`s 9 girls and 1 sad little boy who I didn`t bother drawing... Poor kid..... ~Lost out
So apparently it`s still my turn to post.... Anyway, if you have any suggestions as to the name of this girl that would be great cus` I`m stumped. ~Lost out

Friday, September 23, 2011


Hey guys! Lost here, I should`ve told you guys this a while ago but I kept forgetting..... Anyway, Found I`m afraid is for some reason unable to post comments on the posts, tis` quite sad. So if you have any questions regarding her drawings and own her e-mail address I`d recommend contacting her through there. I`ll let you know if this changes. Bye!

~Lost out

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Robin Hood and Maid Marian

As I said I am still Fairy Tale-ing. Anyway this was Robin hood but after I drew  it I realized it looks a lot like two people I actually know! (Lost, don't flatter yourself; It's not you.) Anyway If you're reading this then you probably know if it's you or not. Since boys don't check this blog (as far as I know) they probably won't  identify themselves. Feel free to speculate.

His foot only looks like that cuz thats where the paper ended. Thanks!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Connie Ride

Yoyo, everyone! This is Connie Ride, and she's got this pearl-thing in her hand that she's looking at--don't ask why. And the black thing under her leg is her foot, just so ya know...  =D


Monday, September 19, 2011

Lily Cor

Sorry she looks so pale--Scanning came out really weird. Anyway She's enrolled in this super horrid classy boarding school, where they have these super-uncomfy outfits and really expensive gross food. She hates it there and she's got a wonderful back story which any of you can make up, seeing as I've been to busy reading lately to make up anything. See ya round the mulberry bush, Human Beings!


Grace Charming

Yeah, this is Cinderella and Prince Charming's daughter, Grace.  Her story is TOTALLY different...  But it's really long and complicated so it'll have to wait for another time. In short it's like Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, and Peter Pan, all rolled into one story.

Yes, I am in a fairy-tale mood today. So glad you asked.

MY version of Rapunzel

Hi, SO sorry about that long break...  I'm back now!  Anyway, this is Rapunzel, like, in a different version (That I made up) So it's like, this evil wizard dude kills a dragon for this king, and in return the king has to give something closest to his heart. So he agrees, and then it turns out his wife (the queen) just had their little girl. So the wizard takes the girl and creates the Moon (this is a fairy tale, remember? I have free rein here) For a place to keep her. Anyway so the she lets her hair down every midnight in the middle of the ocean, blah blah blah and this prince dude comes along in his boat and climbs up. Etc. Etc. And they live happily ever after...   Or do they....?     


Sunday, September 18, 2011


HI!!!!!!!!!! Lost here. Just to make things a little less, LESS.....

Sorry for the creepy eye. I was bored. Bubye! ~Lost out


Yes, my fault...  I am so sorry about the not posting-ness. I am currently working on some pics to post and will finish them ASAP. Thanks!

~Found              PS. I'm making a re-do of Rapunzel. Her Pic is coming presently.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 more

Lost still here. Ok, so the first one is of the same girl in the very first post, Arro Lost. (Couldn`t help myself) Anyway, either that`s water beneath her, or a very, very, very blue carpet..... Anyway, the second person`s name is Howl. Hehe, I was going to make his last name Howler but then I was like "Oh, wait, that wouldn`t work....." Anyway, I guess he looks like an 18nth century blacksmith/farrier type person. Byeeeee! ~Lost out

Anastasia (Ana) Rowener

Lost here again. This girl is an actress I guess..... She`s reciting lines in an audition for a play. Don`t worry, she got the part. ~Lost out

Rianna Trot

 Hey, Lost here. This girl isn`t really any specific person..... And sorry if she looks goth at all, she isn`t supposed to be. ~Lost out

Friday, September 9, 2011

Another pic of Daisy

No, she didn't put on too much make-up, she got in a fight. And that's a map of some sort she's holding behind her back. So yeah. :) Ok, So long, humans!


Cute girl with awesome hair

Ok, yeah, I'm a little obsessed with this pic, as you can tell from the title. As Lost would say, "I'm re-re-re-liking her!" Anyway, her name is Daisy. She is not strangling herself, btw, and she doesn't have her hand up for no reason. She's laying her hand on a door. Anyway, bye!
