Thursday, September 22, 2011

Robin Hood and Maid Marian

As I said I am still Fairy Tale-ing. Anyway this was Robin hood but after I drew  it I realized it looks a lot like two people I actually know! (Lost, don't flatter yourself; It's not you.) Anyway If you're reading this then you probably know if it's you or not. Since boys don't check this blog (as far as I know) they probably won't  identify themselves. Feel free to speculate.

His foot only looks like that cuz thats where the paper ended. Thanks!



  1. That is really sweet! I don't know who they look like.

  2. I`m having a few ideas as to who the girl could be.....

  3. Yeah, as for me, I'm totally clueless of who they might look like. But, I'm not clueless about the girl's dress being TOTALLY cool! The way it's designed is awesome. And, like MC said, the whole picture is just so sweet.

  4. JOSIEEEE!!!! U POSTED IT??? lollll
    It's a really, really good drawing, though! I love it!

    P.S. And 'Yay!!' cuz i can post comments now that i have a google account!!
