Monday, April 8, 2013

I want a Captain America shirt.

MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP. *wink wink* I want one of those blue shirts with the Captain America shield on them. JUST SO YOU KNOW.
If they had a green shirt with a Loki helmet on it, I'd prefer that, but seeing as I can't find one anywhere, I'll settle for the Captain.

*Le Gasp*
I could MAKE a Loki shirt!
Dude! That's be pretty easy! I'd need, what--a shirt, fabric paint, cardstock, scissors, and a pizza box. An empty pizza box. Or a full one, and I could empty it.



  1. And the hands are a success AGAIN.

    When's your birthday?

  2. Preferably a full one. Emptying pizza boxes is just wickedly hilariously fun.
