Monday, February 25, 2013

Sharpie and the Sad News about Persephone.

What is this, my 40586th time drawing Sharpie? More or less? She just seems to draw herself into my pictures. Rather annoying, after a while--I'm not good at drawing her bob, and think I'll probably cut it back the way it was, once it's grown out again. It's cute, but not for an always-haircut. She's blushing--that's why her face looks like that. Sharpie's face is kind of easy to read. If she's mad, you can tell. If she's happy, you don't get to see her face before she knocks you over with a giant hug. But if you COULD see her face, it'd be radiant.

So today our cat died. Percy, (Short for Persephone), was found by my three year old sister. She came inside saying, "Mommy! I fink Percy's dead!" and later she was heard to say, "I was petting her, but she wasn't moving."
She cried a little, and kept saying, "Percy's dead," over and over. But soon the words lost their meaning to her, as they are wont to do for little three year olds, and she talked on and on about other things, with the occasional, "Percy's dead," stuck in here and there.
It hit my two other sisters really hard, though. They cried for hours.
I didn't cry. I don't know wether that's a good thing or a bad thing--She was our cat, but she wasn't MY cat. I was FOND of her, I thought she was an amazing animal. I miss her, but I'm not getting teary over it. Does that make me unfeeling? I hope not. I was really sad, but it was mostly for what my family was feeling, not for what I felt.

Hopefully I'm a good person,

1 comment:

  1. You're not unfeeling...probably just growing up. And there's nothing wrong with that.

    I love seeing people blush. No idea why. Maybe it's because it reminds me I'm not the only one who gets embarrassed.
