Monday, February 25, 2013

Sharpie and the Sad News about Persephone.

What is this, my 40586th time drawing Sharpie? More or less? She just seems to draw herself into my pictures. Rather annoying, after a while--I'm not good at drawing her bob, and think I'll probably cut it back the way it was, once it's grown out again. It's cute, but not for an always-haircut. She's blushing--that's why her face looks like that. Sharpie's face is kind of easy to read. If she's mad, you can tell. If she's happy, you don't get to see her face before she knocks you over with a giant hug. But if you COULD see her face, it'd be radiant.

So today our cat died. Percy, (Short for Persephone), was found by my three year old sister. She came inside saying, "Mommy! I fink Percy's dead!" and later she was heard to say, "I was petting her, but she wasn't moving."
She cried a little, and kept saying, "Percy's dead," over and over. But soon the words lost their meaning to her, as they are wont to do for little three year olds, and she talked on and on about other things, with the occasional, "Percy's dead," stuck in here and there.
It hit my two other sisters really hard, though. They cried for hours.
I didn't cry. I don't know wether that's a good thing or a bad thing--She was our cat, but she wasn't MY cat. I was FOND of her, I thought she was an amazing animal. I miss her, but I'm not getting teary over it. Does that make me unfeeling? I hope not. I was really sad, but it was mostly for what my family was feeling, not for what I felt.

Hopefully I'm a good person,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Captain Castle

So this is Captain Kailey Castle. Captain Castle is 18 and is currently training her elite team of Jacks. I'm still working on it, but the basic idea is that Jacks are these insane super soldiers who get sent on these top secret missions. Usually ten in a team, etc. Anyway, the Captain is having some difficulty establishing leadership over her Jacks, as she's kind of small for a supersoldier...
Oops, gotta go.


Jordan King.

I had frgotten to mention, in my last two posts, the recent addition to my drawing stuff horde: Sketchbook Pro 6. It's so cool. I'm in love.
I got it off of Amazon, so if anybody'slooking around to get it, I'll have you know that it's half the price if you buy it on there. At least, if you have Amazon Prime, it is. But anyway. Super cool program, lotsa options and brushes, and a bunch of effects.
(I should get paid for advertising all the stuff I talk about...)

Anyway, I was thinking about baseball this morning. I personally don't care for it at all--I mean, I like hitting baseballs, but my hand-eye coordination isn't very wonderful. But as I was saying, I absolutely loathe watching baseball. It's so tedious and insipid. I see why boys like to play it--It's really satisfactory when you hit the ball with a good solid THUNK, but watching it puts my brain to sleep.

This is Jordan King. She's 15 and 1/2, and she enjoys baseball because A), she likes hitting things, B), she's really fast and light on her toes, so running is easy, and C), it allows her to carry around a goodsized club without anyone raising any eyebrows. Many a lunchbag has been saved by the expertise of Jordan King. And of course, many a bully has had reason to purchase ice-packs at the local grocery store.
Jordan likes her bat.


Friday, February 22, 2013


This is what happens when I've been drawing too much, am tired, and want tea. Let it be a warning to you: When you START a drawing and it looks odd, chances are it'll still look odd when you're done with it.
In all truthfulness, I wasn't really trying, so its looking strange doesn't really matter. I just thought I'd post it, too, since I went through the trouble of doodling it...


Mandy. (Or is it Maggie?)

So here in sunny California I enjoyed a lovely walk up the hill to my friend's house, in beautiful, clear weather, while the sun was shining on the hill. A glorious day.
And then I got sad, thinking of al those poor people living on the east coast. Those sad, deprived little souls, alone and freezing in the snow and ice and rain.
So I drew this girl here, to cheer myself up. Her name is either Mandy or Maggie, but I don't know which. She's currently in New York, getting some work done with her publisher. She likes writing, hot cocoa, cats, and cozing in warm pajamas. She also likes cold weather and firesides.

So here's my tribute to my deprived east coast friends. I hope you're all well, keeping warm, and drinking lots of cocoa.
Yours affectionately,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Goodnight, world.

So, yeah, I dn't really get this gal here. She started out really boring. And then I was like, "Oh, I'll make all the lines really thick and swoopy!" and then she became a cartoon. And then I was like, "Hey, it's Eponine!" and then I zoned out in a Drawing Daze and didn't think of anything else until I finished and had to turn my music off so I could concentrate on posting.

I really should start drawing more than just their heads. But it's hard for me to figure out what I want to draw beforehand, and I'm better at doing just the head and shoulders. (Knees and toes, knees and toes.)

Well, all's quiet in the house and I think that means thatall the other kiddos are in bed. I should probably follow suit, so I bid you a cordial farewell and proceed to the harbor, where my passage to the land of dreams awaits me.
(I just thought of about two other topics I wanted to touch on. Aren't you proud of me for not adding them in here?)


Raven and Sir Faust

So here's Raven Calyr and Sir Darryl Faust.
I don't really have that much to say about these two.. But I bet I can FIND stuff to say...
Let's see. I posted Raven once before--she was the girl with the black hair and the background with the grass and the water. I've never drawn Faust before, and... Oh right.
Have you spotted my disastrous mistake yet? Yes.
See, I have this thing where I like all the couples I draw to have different hair colors. Yes. I know, it's totally a weird quirk that I have. But see, these two are characters from a story I'm doing, and when I wrote them I didn't realize that their hair AND EYE COLOR were the same. Well, Raven's hair is black and Faust's is "black with a reddish tint to it." But still. I have failed in my mission. People are going to think that they're siblings or something! WHY?????
Anyway, the yellow behind them was because I was lazy and didn't wanna do a whole background. It's not like they're glowing or anything.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Hunger Games

Ok, so the first one is like an ancient relic. I did it last year a couple months before the movie came out, and it resurfaced about a week ago when I was hollowing out my closet. (Of Peeta Mellark and Katniss)
The second one I did yesterday. (Katniss)
I've become re-re-re-re-re-obsessed with the Hunger Games just recently. It's sort of one of those things I go back and forth with. 

Have a fantastic weekend!
~Lost out

Thursday, February 14, 2013


This was me being bored. With a pencil. And paper.


Okay, so this is actually a melded view of a set of twins. One wears her hair in bangs, the other parts it in the middle. And I drew them in a creppy half-and-half manner.


Ponytails. And possible character....



Experimenting with profiles...



I know, it's awful. I was just experimenting.



IT ISN'T BLOOD. Or veins. It's poison.

Okay, so, this guy is in the later stages of an as-of-yet un-named poison which either turns you to stone or makes you fall into a coma. Anyway, I'm leaning towards the stone thingy. Anyway, the lines kind of spread over one's skin until the unfortunate victim is completely covered with the ink-like stuff. It takes about two weeks. (Two weeks, because that gives a concerned friend time to go on a quest to find the remedy. That is key when you're creating some kind of thing like this. The antidote has to be at least a journey away.) Anyway.
Don't be creeped out.


She did NOT steal the dress.

I drew this gal last night. Her dress is pretty much Rapunzel's, from Tangled, but it isn't Rapunzel, so I suppose she shops at the same outlet mall. Oh, and the colors are different. No namby-pamby pink and purple. Nope. This gal here wears sensible colors. Like raspberry. And cream. Because those are REAL princess colors. Oh yes.



This is me practicing hands. I stink at hands, so this is me studying hands in Mastering Manga (Mark Crilley) and drawing them in my notebook. I need a book on drawing manga hands--You know, simplified, easy hands. No complicated lines that I wouldn't use anyway in Manga. Unfortunately, I can't find one. Such sorrow.


Her nose is perfectly normal.

Before you comment on the slope of her nose, I will politely inform you that this is how it's SUPPOSED to look in manga. My brother and mom couldn't seem to grasp that, and I could tell they thought she looked a little alienish.
I was mostly experimenting, but if you want to give her a name, mind you that she's from the regency period--Jane Austen and all that--and there were like, twelve names that everyone used. I think that's why they Miss Benneted and Mr. Bingleyed people--everyone had the same name. There was Louisa, Eleizabeth, Sarah, Catherine, Caroline, Jane, Mary, Sophia, and several names that I forget--But the main point of the matter was that everyone had the same names. So keep that in mind if you decide to name her.
I have to go and do SCHOOL, so cheerio! I'll be back later to post a bunch of sketches--I scanned about 7 today.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Art Contesting

So my mom's making me enter an Art Contest. 
I hate contests.
I hate art contests that don't go by specific styles, or what tools you used. Doesn't seem fair.
I don't even know if drawing done digitally is legal yet, but it's not for a while and I wanted to draw this either way. 

This is my background so far. Hopefully there will be a black towery castle off to the leftish side somewhere and the bottom of the painting will turn into an ocean. I was inspired by this Monet I saw once that caught my eye, it was breathtaking. If you find the time, look up 'Venice Twilight, Claude Monet.' Mine isn't going to look exactly like that one, but you'll get the idea.

Anyway, off to shower. 
Goodnight world!!!

~Lost out

Some really bouncy girl...

...that I haven't named yet. She's French but enjoys visiting America. Her favorite occupation is dropping peanuts on people from hotel windows. She also like window shopping, french bread, french toast, and french fries. Not necessarily in that order.


Still drawing Sharpie

So apparently I DO have pneumonia. And the doctor gave me another shot.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Stars, and evil doctor's shots.

So I haven't posted anything for a really long time.

This is mostly because for the last week I've had an awful fever, the legnth of which finally drove me to the doctor's office. A very long wait ensued. The visit resulted in an extremely painful shot, during and after which I cried. (I was in an emotional state already, and I've never been good with pain. I'm not really ashamed of this fact because I was reflecting on it and I realized that that's just how I am.) Another product of the visit was my mom driving me up the hill to the hospital for the x-ray my doctor ordered, where I waited again. Have you ever noticed how ugly waiting rooms are? It's like, "Wait here in this hideous monotone room with a bunch of other unfortunates while you ponder your fate beyond the mysterious closed doors..." And then of course the doctor/nurse/PERSON comes out and is like, "[your name here]." in a death like voice. Then you follow them to find your destiny.
Anyway, I was getting x-rays because the doctor was concerned about my lungs. Apparently, when he was listening to my breathing with his magic somethingscope, something sounded weird. He said he was "curious." When a doctor is curious about something, it's safe to assume that it's gonna be an issue.
So yeah. That's what my day and week have been like. Not so hot. I miss all my friends, having stuck to the house, trying to recover. I mean, I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY FRIENDS IN FOREVER. It's been a whole week. A week. THis is awful.

To catch up on a long absence of posts, I have one more topic to bring up. I've been feeling really depressed lately because I keep seeing all this art everywhere that is so much better than mine. I mean, sure, I know I'm only fourteen. But I wanna learn all the techniques, and I wanna master all the styles, and I want to do EVERYTHING. And there aren't any places to take the kind of art classes I want to take where I live! I want to get better, but books can only get you so far, right? How can you learn when there's no one to teach you? It just rankles with me because I KNOW I could learn soooo much new STUFF if I could just find someone to teach it to me! And I want to learn it all so badly!

Okay, I have to go to bed soon, so I'll sign off by saying don't judge the picture because I only had an hour and a half to do it.
Love you all!