Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm back!

Found here!
I'm home from vacation!
While I was gone I did a lot of drawing in my sketchbook, but since it's a pain to scan things in books I only scanned one. (That would be the first picture, FYI.)
So the colored picture is one of a little girl and her big brother. I don't draw from personal experience, because when I was that small, so was my big brother.
Actually, even if he was big, I doubt he'd ever have picked me up... We weren't exactly chummy back then, if you catch my drift....

Go team USA! Huzzah for Olympics! Huzzah for anyone brave enough to swim Butterfly! Huzzah for Doctor Who, WHO I heard was going to carry the torch.
(Which is funny, because there's a Dr. Who episode about 2012 Olympics in London, and David Tennant carries the torch...)
You know those british television series... You find yourself talking about them everywhere... Sigh.
Bye bye, pals!
Found out.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Howdy everyone!

It's five bucks to the person that can answer this question. (not REALLY, but I'll hold you very high in my esteem) (I'm too lazy to look it up, but I respect people that aren't) Here it is:

Is the word 'howdy' really 'how do you?' except with a southern accent??? Because if it is I've been using it all wrong for over a decade now.
Please post your answer (or whatever else) in comments.

Anyway, I'm drawing Artemis Fowl now. (more too appeal to Found's... (ahem) great... life than mine)
And, it'll take me a while, because I intend to do one Artemis Fowl for every vote. (so like, 8 of them or something) So, while I'm working on these, I might not be posting for a teensy bit. Please be patient, Found's on vacation.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of that gobbledigook, (you could look that one up too, while your at it)
~Lost out

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Secret To The Universe. Trust me.

Hallo, everyone!
I haven't left on vaca yet, and am still trying to cram as much drawing into my day as possible.
Okay, I drew the top one last night but I penned it in and shaded it this morning. I don't know much of the history of the couple, but it's something along the lines of (From the boy's point of view) "Oh-my-gosh-why-is-she-hugging-me-what-do-I-do-Why-is-she-crying-What-happened!?". I almost put her in a cowgirl hat but decided the pic would look nicer without it.

The middle one was my attempt to better myself in the art of profiles. You might have noticed that most of my side-viewed people look like horses--I'm trying to fix that, but unfortunately can't seem to get the hang of it. So this is Alice, from her adventures in Wonderland, looking a little crumpled and messed up. Hey, it was a sketch--no complaining!

Pic #3 is a re-do of a girl I made up. Her name is Allison Sharp, and I think I posted her the other pic of her previously. I like this one a lot more than el numero uno--I don't know, she just looks a little cuter and more bouncy in this one. I think I captured her hyperness a little!
Why, may you ask, do I talk about my pictures like they're real people?
The world will never know.

P.S. Don't listen to my brother. The real secret to the universe is Tea. Earl Grey, if you can get it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sad Songs--Are they bad for you? I seriously hope not.

Hi, It's Found!
I just wanna say that I personally believe that the uppermost of these two drawings looked a lot better in person. And before you ask, no, I'm not depressed, I was just listening to some kinda sad songs while I was sketching, and music often affects my work, so I came out with this. I usually have backstories for my people, but this girl here has a really sad one so I'm not going to air her personal matters for the world to see. It's none of our business what happens in her personal life.

This second pic here is kind of funny if you're my age and I've been showering you with my fanfictional life secrets. It's a running joke between me and other members of the A.F.F.C. (The Artemis Fowl Fan Club) that I'm going to marry Artemis Fowl when I grow up. Again, for the bazillionth time, if you haven't read the series, they're written by Eoin Colfer, and the last book is coming out tomorrow--EEK! So that picture right there is (clockwise from the left corner) Me, Artemis Fowl, Myles Fowl, and Beckett Fowl. Sorry if Artemis doesn't look like you imagine him--I think I spent an hour drawing and re-drawing his face. I mean, it's hard to imagine him SMILING, so I had nothing to work with!
Just to clear it with y'all, this picture does NOT COUNT as the poll winner. Nope. I'm going to leave it as un-done until Lost either draws him or makes me draw him--I just did this for fun. ;D

Also, I'm going to be leaving on vacation in a few days, and won't be back for a while! I obviously won't be posting during that time, so please don't think I've abandoned the CausE. (Capital C, capital E, copyright 1989) (Please don't ask, I couldn't help but put that it--Another running joke with a few of my pals. You know who you are.)

After that extremely long monologue,
Found Out.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Emaline Curl

In a Mermaidy kind of mood today.
(This is Lost again, still making up for my long absence)
Have a good one.
This is Emaline Curl.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jumping Dude

Helllllooooooo again. 
Lost still here. 
Anyway, this drawing was partially inspired by this dancer (don't ask his name, I'd probably call Baryishnikoklova or Balanchinov or something) that the Japaneze (or the Chineeze) called 'Flying Man' for his awesome jumping skills. 
So here he is.
~Lost out

Trapeze Girl

Lost still here.
This girl was trying to do an awkward upside-down lefthanded handshake with somebody but got blown off. The self absorbant inconsideracy (?) of SOME PEOPLE. IT'S WRONG!!!
But, won't see me outside of the white house holding a sign because of it. 
...Most likely...
Anyway, here's Avella Trenthart. 

~Lost out

Grossly Stretchy Dancer

I guess that would make her first name Grossly...
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am back in biz!
Anyway, this is Grossly Dancer. I erm... Don't really... YEAH.
~Lost out

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jackson Rip

Hi, It's still Found!
Speaking of which, Lost SHOULD be posting sometime soon... AHEM. LOST. POST. AHEM.

Okay, so this is Jackson Rip. He's one of those guys who only ever exist in books--You probably know the type. And if you don't, read the Artemis Fowl books. Because they're awesome. And because Jackson reminds me of Artemis.
Anyways, I have to go because I'm listening to music while I'm typing, so I can't focus on what I'm saying and I'd probably blather on for ages not really saying anything. Like what I'm doing now. Annoying, isn't it?