Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sheperdess cartoon/manga

So, with the combined efforts of a cartooning book and a tips on drawing manga book, I have produced my third Sheperdess picture! (Applause)
So, I'm not tooting my horn or whatever,  but I'm actually really happy about how her hair turned out! It was a tip from the Manga book--White on black, and I was a little skeptical on whether or not it would work well. I think it did.


  1. It sure did! I LOVE this one! You did such a great job on the detail.

  2. The roses really add a nice touch.

  3. She looks like she`s going to whip some shepherdess bottom.

  4. I like how you did the coloring on the hair! also, a great anime to watch (one of my personal favorites) is Angel Beats! (exclamation point included.) I highly recomend it!

