Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hero Cartoon

Hi readers! It's been a while!
So lately I've been experimenting with different styles of drawing. I got a few art books from the library--Actually, I'm checking out more today--And I'm experimenting a lot. So over the next few posts, my drawings will look completely different from my usual style. Like, I think I have a sheperdess (I know, sheperdess #3) that's in cartoon form. Anyway, the book I used for this particular drawing was called like, Fantasy Cartooning, or something like that.
Anyhoo, this guy was on the "Hero" page, where they give a lot of tips on doing guy's faces. Suprisingly, I think I'm getting a lot better at doing guy's faces now (YESSSS!)! It involves a lot of like, squaring off the jaw, thick eyebrows, sturdy neck, etc.
Thanks so much for reading, voting on my evil poll, and waiting for the next posts!


  1. Congrats! :) I know, isn't it so hard to draw men? I can draw ladies and little children...but when I try to draw a guy their masculinity looks so forced and ridiculous! You're mastering it though.

  2. Haha same here! I draw them, I like them at first, but then I wait a few months and I`m just APPALLED by them.
