Monday, February 18, 2013

Raven and Sir Faust

So here's Raven Calyr and Sir Darryl Faust.
I don't really have that much to say about these two.. But I bet I can FIND stuff to say...
Let's see. I posted Raven once before--she was the girl with the black hair and the background with the grass and the water. I've never drawn Faust before, and... Oh right.
Have you spotted my disastrous mistake yet? Yes.
See, I have this thing where I like all the couples I draw to have different hair colors. Yes. I know, it's totally a weird quirk that I have. But see, these two are characters from a story I'm doing, and when I wrote them I didn't realize that their hair AND EYE COLOR were the same. Well, Raven's hair is black and Faust's is "black with a reddish tint to it." But still. I have failed in my mission. People are going to think that they're siblings or something! WHY?????
Anyway, the yellow behind them was because I was lazy and didn't wanna do a whole background. It's not like they're glowing or anything.



  1. Oh no. They are definitely a couple. No worries there. Her hair. I'm jealous.

    1. Yay! Tank you! I thought that maybe they looked too similar!
