Thursday, February 14, 2013

Her nose is perfectly normal.

Before you comment on the slope of her nose, I will politely inform you that this is how it's SUPPOSED to look in manga. My brother and mom couldn't seem to grasp that, and I could tell they thought she looked a little alienish.
I was mostly experimenting, but if you want to give her a name, mind you that she's from the regency period--Jane Austen and all that--and there were like, twelve names that everyone used. I think that's why they Miss Benneted and Mr. Bingleyed people--everyone had the same name. There was Louisa, Eleizabeth, Sarah, Catherine, Caroline, Jane, Mary, Sophia, and several names that I forget--But the main point of the matter was that everyone had the same names. So keep that in mind if you decide to name her.
I have to go and do SCHOOL, so cheerio! I'll be back later to post a bunch of sketches--I scanned about 7 today.


  1. Jane Austen! Yes! I first though of Lizzie when I saw this picture. I really like it!

  2. Their hair. Was amazing. I'm thinkin' Charlotte would fit nicely with this girl...

    1. I know--I always get jealous of Lizzie's hair... WHY can't my hair curl NICELY?
