Friday, February 22, 2013

Mandy. (Or is it Maggie?)

So here in sunny California I enjoyed a lovely walk up the hill to my friend's house, in beautiful, clear weather, while the sun was shining on the hill. A glorious day.
And then I got sad, thinking of al those poor people living on the east coast. Those sad, deprived little souls, alone and freezing in the snow and ice and rain.
So I drew this girl here, to cheer myself up. Her name is either Mandy or Maggie, but I don't know which. She's currently in New York, getting some work done with her publisher. She likes writing, hot cocoa, cats, and cozing in warm pajamas. She also likes cold weather and firesides.

So here's my tribute to my deprived east coast friends. I hope you're all well, keeping warm, and drinking lots of cocoa.
Yours affectionately,


  1. Her character sounds a lot like me right now. ;) Except the "liking cold weather" part. I love everything else about the cold weather, though. Hot cocoa, being cozy in warm pajamas and blankets, writing by the fire (except we don't have a fire)... I gladly accept your sympathy, though. Haha I would love a trip to Cali right now. I can't wait for spring weather!!

    1. We'd love for you to visit! Maggie's not a fan of warm weather in winter, she says it's unnatural. ;)

  2. I like Maggie. A lot.

    rosy cheeks, snowball fights, and uggs...


    mountains, sun, and roses.

    real tough competition.

  3. Thank you :P I wish I felt as cozy as her right's freezing rain outside. that inbetweeny stage when mother nature is deciding between winter and spring - i pray that she chooses spring. miss you!
    - E

    1. 'Welcome! Spring'll come soon enough... Actually, I have no idea. WHen does Spring USUALLY come?
      Miss you too! Come visit soon!
