Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jordan King.

I had frgotten to mention, in my last two posts, the recent addition to my drawing stuff horde: Sketchbook Pro 6. It's so cool. I'm in love.
I got it off of Amazon, so if anybody'slooking around to get it, I'll have you know that it's half the price if you buy it on there. At least, if you have Amazon Prime, it is. But anyway. Super cool program, lotsa options and brushes, and a bunch of effects.
(I should get paid for advertising all the stuff I talk about...)

Anyway, I was thinking about baseball this morning. I personally don't care for it at all--I mean, I like hitting baseballs, but my hand-eye coordination isn't very wonderful. But as I was saying, I absolutely loathe watching baseball. It's so tedious and insipid. I see why boys like to play it--It's really satisfactory when you hit the ball with a good solid THUNK, but watching it puts my brain to sleep.

This is Jordan King. She's 15 and 1/2, and she enjoys baseball because A), she likes hitting things, B), she's really fast and light on her toes, so running is easy, and C), it allows her to carry around a goodsized club without anyone raising any eyebrows. Many a lunchbag has been saved by the expertise of Jordan King. And of course, many a bully has had reason to purchase ice-packs at the local grocery store.
Jordan likes her bat.



  1. Sounds like a feisty one. I'm likin' this new style of yours.

  2. Lol, I'm a baseball.... ENTHUSIAST, but now I never said I'm all that great at it..

    She's awesome! I love her confident stride and her boots. LOVE her boots.
