Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Melanie Harper, colored in.
Yeah, she's got kind of a profusion of freckles. That was planned, but it came out a little too heavy. Anyway. She's fun.


This is Melanie, (Mel,) the MC in a thingy I'm thinking about starting. The basic idea is that she's the princess' maid, and she looks really really similar, so the princess is always getting her to double for her. It's a great PRINCIPLE, really, but then they get in a bunch of scrapes because of it. Anyway, yeah. This is Mel dressed up like her Majesty.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just finishing up here...

Hello again, puny mortals!
This is my new and improved perspective gal. I just went over her in Sketchbook to ease up the lines and stuff.
I think she's battling some kind of evil super villain. She's probably going to get drafted to the Avengers one of these days!

Mama's so proud of you, Sweetheart! Youngest member of Avenger's Initiative! My little girl's all grown up! *Sniff*


Greenbean Man Returns. Again.

Third post for the Greenbean. I colored him in, gave him a sense of style, and made him have no shoes. Those are socks.

I know he's weirdly disproportionate, and I KNOW his arms are way too muscular compared to the size of his chest, but this is my first time really giving a guy muscles, so cut me some slack.
Plus the fact that his legs are way too long. Oh well. He's a nice guy--Don't be too hard on him.


Greenbean man returns.

Here's the Greenbean in real life.
I think I'm going to name him, like, Seth or Louis. Maybe Louis? I've always wanted to name a character Louis.
Or Lewis. I can't decide.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

More Perspective.

Working on dynamic action poses. Again, I'm going to touch her up in Sketchbook, but I'm working on  perspective and it's easier in plain pencil. Do you kind of get the impression that she's hurtling at you at obscene speed? If you do, be a dear and tell me so, because it's hard to tell when you're doing this right.


I call him... THE GREENBEAN.

So this is a WIP (work in progress) of a dude man that I'm drawing. I drew him on paper, but I'm going to touch up the picture on Sketchbook to make it a little smoother.

Sorry he's so long and lean--The menfolk in my family are all kind of skinny and tall, with the exception of our lovely rotund baby. I guess my family members rub off in my drawings, cuz this here dude is like a greenbean that spent the night on the rack.

I'll try to finish him soon,

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's Wednesday again...

I have to depart but I did this earlier and wanted to share it... 
 Bleh. I hate Wednesdays. Why can't we just skip to Friday? Would that be too much to ASK???
'Yes, Lost, it would.'

-Lost out

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"I've been standing in Brooklyn waiting for something to happen..."

`Listening to 'Fun.' 
"I've been standing in Brooklyn waiting for something to happen..." 

You see, guys have better voices. And if guys happen to be British, well, all the better. 
Anyway, I've been working on jeans. Yes. And folded arms. 
I'm really into this like, vintage/black and white genre right now. 
And fedoras. I dig fedoras. And other hats. And British guy singers. And the colour grey. 
And I can never remember names. 

I slept in until about 10:30 this morning. AND IT WAS GLORIOUS. 

-Lost out

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


So I recently started watching Sherlock.
I've only watched the first three episodes.
But this is my face while I watch it.

No, sorry, I lied. You can usually only see my nose and up. And sometimes the blanket completely covers my head and it's just my eyes poking out. But this is the rough estimate of my watchage.



MERRY 15TH!!! 


-Lost out

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Coco Creme

So this is Coco Creme, the main character in a Strawberry Shortcake murder mystery that I'm trying to figure out how to write. I really wanna do it, but I have no experience writing mysteries and I can't figure out how to do it. I have characters down and everything, and I know who the victim will be, but I can't figure out how to write it.
Anyway, it's my goal for the summer, writing this thing. Hopefully it won't fall through. I just really, really want to kill off Strawberry Shortcake, with her infernal, "I like it BERRY MUCH!"


She shall pay for haunting my ears with the sound of concentrated evil. Yes. She shall DIE.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dress #2

...And here's the second dress. I kind of like this one more. It's more simplistic and elegant.


Another dress. XP

My friend sent me two pictures of dresses for me to draw. Here's the first one.

I'm really having way too much fun with this.

She's not Snow White. Sorry.

Yup. Still doing this. I may never stop.


So fun.

Here's my second Doll costume. I had so much fun doing this... XD


My Epiphany, if that's the word I want.

Yesterday I had an epiphany.
It was, "Draw a model, save it, duplicate it, and henceforth use it when you're designing outfits."

This was my first one, just to test out the model.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Just working on some character designs, don't mind me....

A Study in Perspective.

So here I am, trying to make my drawings more interesting.
This is actually my first time ever doing something like this, so I want your brutal, honest feedback. If it looks REMOTELY odd, TELL ME. I can take it. Hopefully.

Anyway, she doesn't look anything like my last picture of her because I was experimenting with hair color, but this is Mousie Freeman again. She's kind of an actress/drama queen, and I THINK that this is here reciting shakespeare or Tennyson or something.

Ughhhhhh... I have a rant, but I have to finish my school, so I'll probably post it later on Paperclips and Pencils.

Is Mouse's head too big? It's hard to tell from this angle.

No, I'm not sure what she's holding. Either some kind of rigging on a sailboat, or a stick.
