Monday, April 30, 2012

Settie and Jackolyn

Also known as Set and Jackie.
~Lost out

Jordan Fawne

 Lost here still. 
Jordan Fawne is an extremely funny, pretty, pretty annoying, smart girl that loves to get herself into trouble. Not really BAD trouble, mostly just practical joking kind of trouble. 
She can pretty much do anything with a rubber band, some tape, and a paper-clip. 
But being a prankster is just her side job. 
Deep down, she`s a super genius. Came in second place in a world-wide spelling bee,
(She lost only because she stuttered)
she beets computers at chess,
when she gets bored, 
she studies astrophysics. 
Let`s here it for Jordan.
(she has a really mean cat as an accomplice)
~Lost out

Anthia (Annie) Lehr

Miss Lehr is big on fashion. 
She loves crazy mismatched cloths, but most of the stuff she designs she could never wear though, since she's also a lover of comfort. It took a lot to coax her even into wearing THIS, 
which is actually one of her milder outfits. 
Anyway, here's Annie. 

~Lost out

The return of Erro Lost

So here's yet another picture of Erro Lost. 
I know, she looks a bit evil in this picture, but I promise that wasn't quite the effect I was going for. 
And in case you couldn't tell, that`s a dog next to her. 
Uh, anyway, hope you enjoy!
~Lost out

Trixie the pink one

Lost here!

Here`s a drawing of Trixie somethingorother... Anyway, I don`t really know her story, so I`m here to find out. 

Me: "So Trixie, what`s with the dress?"
Trix: "I really like pink."
Me: "Oh... Cool!"

After that brief conversation she ran off. I guess she`s really shy. 

Anyway, her skin didn`t scan very well, (as it never does) so sorry if it looks a little strange. 
~Lost out

Friday, April 27, 2012


Hi every-one!

Ao this weekend I`m not going to be home much, (this is Lost, btw) but hopefully this Monday or so I`ll find time to scan some things. I DO have drawings, but they`re in a sketchbook so it`s hard to find time to figure out how to scan them. 

I hope you all have a wonderful, beautiful, fantastic weekend! (not necessarily in that order)
~Lost out 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hi, Found here!
I have officially started learning a new style: Manga. I got the most amazing book in the world to help me!
It's called Mastering Manga by Mark Crilley, who, it turns out, also has a Youtube series on drawing manga. Anyway, It's full of tips and step by step instructions on how to draw whatevers, and it rocks. I'm obsessed with the book. It's so great.
The first pic is one of the step by step drawing thingees, 3/4 view, etc. In case anyone was curious, her hair was a Carmine Red prismacolor pencil. Hope you like it!

The second picture was a doodle on the back of a math test. (That's a bow in her hair, in case you were wondering!) I did her freehand using a few tips from the book. I'm kinda happy how she turned out--I mean, it IS an earlier sketch, so it's not perfect, but it's fine for a beginner.

More to follow,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sheperdess cartoon/manga

So, with the combined efforts of a cartooning book and a tips on drawing manga book, I have produced my third Sheperdess picture! (Applause)
So, I'm not tooting my horn or whatever,  but I'm actually really happy about how her hair turned out! It was a tip from the Manga book--White on black, and I was a little skeptical on whether or not it would work well. I think it did.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Drawing in school

Lost here!

So a lot of people ask me if I draw when I get bored in school, and the answer`s usually no, but recently I got stuck on this really awful word in vocabulary and... yeah, you get the point. I just started doing these tiny little heads all over my paper.

Here`s the one that I think came out best.
~Lost out


Hey everybody!

Using my amazing computer skills I was able to make it so my user was an author on here, so it`ll probably post under the name of 'Lost' when I post, ...which is nice... Anyway, this was mainly a test run to see if it would work, so see ya`all later!

~Lost out

Hero Cartoon

Hi readers! It's been a while!
So lately I've been experimenting with different styles of drawing. I got a few art books from the library--Actually, I'm checking out more today--And I'm experimenting a lot. So over the next few posts, my drawings will look completely different from my usual style. Like, I think I have a sheperdess (I know, sheperdess #3) that's in cartoon form. Anyway, the book I used for this particular drawing was called like, Fantasy Cartooning, or something like that.
Anyhoo, this guy was on the "Hero" page, where they give a lot of tips on doing guy's faces. Suprisingly, I think I'm getting a lot better at doing guy's faces now (YESSSS!)! It involves a lot of like, squaring off the jaw, thick eyebrows, sturdy neck, etc.
Thanks so much for reading, voting on my evil poll, and waiting for the next posts!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Venia Cruise

Hello again!

This has to be brief because I`m on my way out the door, but this is Venia Cruise, (sorry if it`s hard to see her nose) and I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!!

Have a great weekend!