Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm really glad I didn't make the red stripes neon green.

I did consider it. But I decided red would look cooler. And looking back on it, neon green would have stunk. So, red it was.
This is Corril Webb.
And no, that is NOT a girl's name. It's SPELLED different, see? CORRIL. Not Coral. There's a DIFFERENCE. Albeit a small one. 

I've been so bored lately I could eat my shoes. (Don't hold me to that, please.) I've read like all my favorite books a billion times and the next ones in the series haven't come out yet! Like the next Beyonders book (Brandon Mull, author of Fablehaven) isn't due untill the thirteenth of March. And the next Kane chronicles isn't until May 1st! It's SO HORRIBLE!
While you lot are having fun, think of me. It will be appreciated.

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