Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lady Marabelle

Hi, it's Found!
This is Lady Marabelle. I've been working my mind up into a frenzy trying to think of a story for her. I can't think of one as of now, but I probably will later...  Anyway, I have got to scoot but Post more later!

~Me, Myself, and I.


  1. Oh my gosh!! Her dress, and especially the shading on it, is amazing!!! I love it!

    1. Thanks, Em! I had originally planned the dress to be pink, white, and gold, but I decided on this instead. Lol mainly becaus I'm super lazy. Using the gold Prismacolor pencil requires a lot of pressure and after a while it starts to hurt your hand. :D


  2. I think the color combination turned out lovely.
