Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm really glad I didn't make the red stripes neon green.

I did consider it. But I decided red would look cooler. And looking back on it, neon green would have stunk. So, red it was.
This is Corril Webb.
And no, that is NOT a girl's name. It's SPELLED different, see? CORRIL. Not Coral. There's a DIFFERENCE. Albeit a small one. 

I've been so bored lately I could eat my shoes. (Don't hold me to that, please.) I've read like all my favorite books a billion times and the next ones in the series haven't come out yet! Like the next Beyonders book (Brandon Mull, author of Fablehaven) isn't due untill the thirteenth of March. And the next Kane chronicles isn't until May 1st! It's SO HORRIBLE!
While you lot are having fun, think of me. It will be appreciated.

I guess this would make the second sheperdess...

I just realized that this is the second blonde sheperdess with a pastel colored dress and a kind of anxious expression that I've posted on this blog. It's kind of funny. Anyway, the other one is from a while ago but if you scroll through our blog's archives you'll find it. I believe I simply titled that one "Sheperdess," so you can go find it and compare.
I can't draw sheep so you're gong to need to take my word for it that this is a sheperdess.
PS. Who knows? I could be lying. Maybe she's secretly a goatherd and I'm just not telling you. :D


Friday, February 24, 2012

Evangeline Connor

It's Found again.

Lost has been kinda busy so she hasn't drawn anything...  At least, taht's the excuse she's been feeding ME.   :P

This is Evangeline (Eva) Connor. She lives in Outpost 31 on Planet Dryfton. And no, she's not grey haired. It's SILVER. Why does everyone think it's GREY!? 
Anyway, she's a space Explorer/Adventurer. That means she gets to GO places. Like Planet Xafar. Which is not, trust me, the place you want to explore in. 
I have to go do math corrections, so more later!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lady Marabelle

Hi, it's Found!
This is Lady Marabelle. I've been working my mind up into a frenzy trying to think of a story for her. I can't think of one as of now, but I probably will later...  Anyway, I have got to scoot but Post more later!

~Me, Myself, and I.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Hi, It's Lost and Found.
We changed the blog template/background/thingy. What do you think? (We think it's awesome, but to each his own.)

~The Sketchers

Monday, February 6, 2012

Working on a few things....

Hi it's Found.
Sorry about the lackage of postings from my quarter; there are two reasons behind it:
A) We just got a new printer and I'm not sure how to scan stuff on it, and
B) I'm working on a pic for an art contest, and currently it is dominating my drawing time.
So please don't be annoyed, and I'll post my drawing-contest-picture after it's done.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just sayin`.....

Lost here. Now I know that I told you guys that Found for some odd reason couldn`t post comments on the blog, and I also said that I`d let every-one know if that changed, so, (although it`s a bit obvious by now) she can post comments now. (better late then never, right?)
Right, uh, that`s all. Have an awesome weekend every-one!
~Lost out