Monday, January 28, 2013

Vick and Kate

^The version I drew in late hours last night. 
Note she has a mouth in this one. I'm not sure where it went...

Alright so the girl's a secretary, and she works hard at her job, and gets paid probably less than she should be getting. Then of course this guy comes strutting in one day wearing a classy pinstripe suit, waste coat, and nice tie like he owns the place, come to basically claim some sort of job with them. Naturally he just drives her crazy and knows it, with his constant flirting and stupid remarks, but one night their boss throws a big party and there's this guy there with a voice like Frank Sanatra playing the piano and he offers her his hand before she's knows it she's reluctantly accepting and they start dancing then... 

I'll let you use your imaginations, but in MY version that's when the zombies raid the house leaving death, destruction and anguish in their wake. 

But I promised a cheerful backstory, so ignore that last bit if you'd like.

The guy's name is Victor Monroe and the girl's name is Katelyn Vente. 
~Lost out