Saturday, January 26, 2013

Preston Ghost

While rocking out to 'Bleeding Out' and 'Demons' and 'The Fallen' by Imagine Dragons all afternoon and I was compelled at some point to go over this guy. I'm telling you, the music controls my pen!!!

Right, so, Preston Ghost. Poor guy, something happened when he was just a kid and he somehow ended up with a nasty scar, traumatized, and parentless. The other kids avoid him and he's silent in school. After the incident when he was a kid the Head Detective Inspector Allan Fleck looked after him for a while then got the kid his own apartment in the same flat that he was in and got him a German Shepherd. He's now 14-16 yrs old and is often seen walking with his dog through the streets of Hilton Village, silently avoided. 

~Lost out


  1. He's in Hilton? Did you already post 'im? I'm so behind on that..... :'(

    AWESOME!!!! Hee hee hee, I love his hair. Reminds me of Clint. ;D

    1. Oh, no, I haven't brought him in yet.

      Thank you! Lol, yeah, he does to me too a little bit!

  2. Poor guy. :(

    Music really does move you!

    1. Yeah, all of the background stories for my people have been such DOWNERS lately. I need to make someone with a little less drama! Maybe a girl...

  3. Taylor Swift'll balance it out. :)
