Monday, January 7, 2013

Halfway through!

There's something about an alarm clock that makes me want to kill all electronics.

So I'm currently drawing this girl.

I haven't got the background on yet, But I think this is a picture of my newest character, Raven Calyr. Ain't she purdy?
My older brother was all mad at me because when he first saw the sketch, there was a guy in it. Then he (brother) went away, and while he was gone I erased the sketch of the guy, so now it's just her. He says I don't draw guys enough, but that's because girl hair is more fun to do.
I'm thinking I'm going to put a castle in the background, with maybe a lake and perhaps a dragon flying around in the sky. Or maybe not. I don't know.
Okay, I need feedback about the skin tone, people. So, if you have figured out the comments, and it's humanly possible for you to do so, leave me a comment on your HONEST OPINION of the skin's color, etc. Do not spare my feelings. Is she blushing too much? Should I have made her skin more even? Tell me your thoughts!



  1. Hmm.. I honestly don't see anything wrong with the skin color, I think the blush is fine too. I can't wait to see the background too! :) does she have a back story yet?

  2. Okay, in my book you can never have too much blush. And her pale skin contrasts beautifully with the black hair. Don't change a thing.
