Sunday, June 30, 2013


I don't know what happened. Her hair was PERFECT. Then she just had to go and ruin it. 
Right as I finished penning her face in I realized she looked like a I guy I know, just seconds too late. 

What are you all doing for the 4th of July?
-Lost out

Friday, June 28, 2013

For the common birthday goer...

1. Hit command P on your keyboard. 
2. Print it out so that it's on one side of the paper, with one image. 
3. Use 3rd grader handwriting to compile your message, then, in tiny, neat scrawl (on the back) write:

Cover art by Lost,  2013. 

-Small enough so that at first they'll think you designed it yourself. Now, I can make this card masculine/transgender with just a few clicks, so don't be scared to ask. 

Now I shall shower. 
-Lost out

Silence will fall when the question is asked.
My mom was very disturbed.

In explanation, she's the daughter of the Frog prince and the nameless princess in the fairy tale.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hahahahaah NO.



Miss Boring revisited.

Okay, I redid Miss Boring and now she's kind of cute and I might make her into a character for something.
GAAAAAH I want to take art classes.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nerd life, revisited.

Finished it.
Yeah, that's me. With the hair. And the diminutive size.
And a quick nerdy fact: The font I used for the writing...
Is called Baskerville.


Nerd life...

This is my "Nerd life is so much better than regular life" picture. That's my library book bag that I'm carrying. I'm now going to redo it on SBP. Laters!

High heels...

Not sure if I like this or not--Some girl trying on heels. It looks a little weird.

Loki sketch.

Loki sketch. Not very good--I just drew it loosely so I could touch it up on the computer.

Boring Girl.

Sketch dump.
I've been bad about drawing lately--Here are some pictures I never scanned from last month.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


The curtain steadily descended upon final performance of Cinderella and I wanted to take a 2 hour bath. 
Die in my sleep. 
Lock myself in my room with my music for a month. 
All of the above, not necessarily in that order. 
I had never been so tired in all my existence. 4 days later I was on a plane to the east coast, and got a taste of what it must be like to be a professional dancer. Plane-stage-plane-stage-plane-stage-plane-death. 
I wasn't mentally prepared for vacation, I was still watching the curtain drop. 
Next thing I knew I was sitting on a plane drawing a freaky eyeball. 
I had a raging headache and I had run out of candy. I was sitting in between my older brother and a sleeping stranger. The stranger wakes up about 20 minutes later, while I'm perfecting my eyeball. 
She asks me to do a sketch of her son, Wylle. Wylle was leaving for his first year of college in the fall, she explains to me. He'd love a cool drawing of himself in his cowboy getup to put in his dorm. She hands me her iphone and shows me the picture she wants done, (it was a pretty cool picture) and I roughly sketch it out and hand it to her. Turns out she liked it so much it was worth 20 bucks. She then asks me for my address, phone number, e-mail, name, and blog address so she can contact me if she wants another. 
...Or stock me creepily, one of those. 
And that's how, thanks to this freaky eyeball, I got rich. 

And that was the start of my unexpected vacation. 
-Lost out