Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One more.....

Here`s a princess. I don`t really know her name. (Maybe Andromeda?) ~Lost out

Hogwarts students

Lost here yet again.

The first pic is of a hogwarts student (Slytherin) named Regashia. The second is of a boy (Ravenclaw I think) named Drannic Riese.


Ok so the first pic is Elthian, second is of Torryn, and the third (which I decided not to colour in) is of..... A girl on a unicorn. ~Lost out

Yeah, I`m still here.

Um..... Excuse my friend here, she`s from Barselona. ~Lost out

And more.....

Uhhh..... Merry Christmas! ~Lost out

OH WAIT! There`s more..... X-D

Well these 2 are very.... um.... different. The first one is a girl from the Ares cabin, and the second one is just a dancer. Oh and in the first pic she isn`t actually angry and that spear isn`t going THROUGH her it`s just strapped to her back. ~Lost out


Ok so the first pic is of..... A person in a tree. Yeah. No clue what to name her. Any suggestions?

And the second is of this guy (ok, camper) and his name is Chase Corsetter. He`s from England and his mom came to America to visit a cousin or something and married Apollo and had him and so he grew up in England and some-how ended up at camp Half-blood. And the third is another pic of him like 3 days after he was born and his mom put him in the sun for a little while and his hair started growing like CRAZY. ~Lost out

Heeeeello again

Hey there. Sorry for my non-postingliness. Anyway, these here`s a pic of a pencil shop. (I get bored) And it says since 1213 on it because I made a mistake, it`s supposed to be like 1913 or 1813. Hehe. =P
~Lost out

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Erin Ryde

This pic is of a girl named Erin Ryde...  I think I did a post of her before...   Anyway, it took forever, so I hope you like it.


Pics I did on a computer paint workshop

Found here! Sorry about the long period of time that was postless... 
Anyway, these two pics were done on the computer, both by me, and if you ask what the heck the little creature in the bottom picture is, I will answer truthfully that I have absolutely NO idea.

Sorry it's just me doing all the posting--Lost's been really busy and hasn't had time to draw anything much. Bye!



A free elf.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ah, moron that I am I forgot to say that the second person in my last post I didn't actually draw! I copied the model from this drawing book I have! Ok, glad I got that out there. Now i can R.I.P.


I bet you're all sick of campers at this point...

Welcome, to Camp half-blood! *applause* Our host tonight is is Found, and.....   Yeah ok, it's not working for me, either.
Ok, so two MORE people I made up.
1. If you think it looks like she got punched in the eye, then, hey! WE HAVE A WINNER! Yeah, and BTW she does NOT have furry legs. Those are those neat boots that are all furry and cool looking.
PS. do you like her vest???

2.  Hers is a tragic story, which I haven't quite made up yet...  Oh forget it. She's from Apollo's cabin. The flute-y thing attached to her shorts is a blowpipe. I think the darts are in her pocket but when I tried to ask her, she slammed her door in my face. Ouch. Leave a comment telling me why she's so moody if you want to. comments rock!  See ya later, peoples!



Ok, I know I draw Camp half-blood people a LOT, but here's some more. Oh, it's Found.
Ok the first person ISN'T Annabeth, it's a girl I made up from Aphrodite's Cabin...  Dunno her name.
Person #2 is a girl from Iris named like Irene or something....  I think. Anyway, this is so random, but is anyone else REALLY excited about the next Lost Hero book? (Son of Neptune)(Rick Riordon) I am!

~Found out.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Seth is holding a banana

Yeah, she was right. I know why.  Oh right. Found here...  again...

Ok, Seth was breaking into a centaur fortress called Grunhold. He had to trick a troll into letting him take the horn, and aparently cave trolls have serious senses of humor. so he was like, "I'm going to play a joke on the centaurs! I'm going to trade a banana for the Soul of Grunhold!!!" (The Unicorn Horn's name was the Soul of Grunhold.) Anyhoo, the Troll was impressed enough to let him take it.

Found out.

New Girl again

So this is the same girl I was posting before. Still don`t really know who she is. (I`m working on it)

~Lost out

Seth Sorrenson

Ok, Lost here again. Sorry if you were getting sick of Found. Too busy DRAWING. (jk) Anyway, here`s Seth, Kendra`s brother. And yes, he is holding a banana and unicorn horn. I can`t even really remember why..... I don`t know, but Found probably would. So here he is. ~Lost out

Another Bunch of Girls

Hi peoples! 
It's really sad, I know, but I can't remember the name of the first girl...  um...  like, Zia, or something? I dunno. But I made her a couple weeks ago when I was experimenting with hair. The second pic is of two Hogwarts students who have wands that are way too long. (that was an accident) Anyway, bye!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Kendra Sorenson

Greetings Humans! Found here.
Believe it or not, these two ppl are the same person. Except done about 4 months apart from eachother. The first dates back to like May or something; the second one I did this morning. Anyway, her (their?) name is Kendra Sorenson. She came from a book called Fablehaven, (READ IT) And Lost is hopefully at some point going to post Seth (Kendra's brother).

Anyway, I hope you like them. ...Well actually you don't have to like the first one cuz it's really old and I don't really like it anymore. I hope you like the second one!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

3 more people.....

Ok, first one is the girl with green eyes and black hair that seems to turn up a lot, second one is Amber, and the third one is Ryspen, and again, I apologize for the faceless people. =P ~Lost out

Yet more My Style Studio drawings

These are supposed to be the same person, but one I did more recently then the other. ~Lost out


So this is just a girl I made up, her name is Thrace. There`s not really a lot to say about her...... In the first one she`s in some sort of bathing suit and in the second one it`s a scaly dressish thingy..... Anyway, ~Lost out

New Girl

Hey guys! It`s Lost here. This is just a new girl I`ve been drawing, not sure what her name is or why she`s holding a bubble in the first picture. You can figure that out for yourself I guess. ;-) Anyway, hope you like them!

~Lost out

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A random Person

As you can probably see at this point, Lost and I really enjoy My Style Studio. Right. So this Girl's name is Zoe Hunter, Partly cuz I like the name Zoe and partly because It sounded cool. I've drawn heer a bunch but haven't scanned most of the pics so it's a possibility that you may see her a lot but it's not definite.


Poofy Pink Princess

Hi, Found again! I drew this a really long time ago, so excuse the not coolness of it, but it's so odd I couldn't help but post it...  anyway, like the ones that Lost posted, it's made with the Klutz My Style Studio, which, by the way, is a really fun thing cuz u don't have to be an awesome drawer to use it. Anyway, Bye!


Just more people

OK so sorry if a few of these don`t have faces/noses/mouths, I was focusing more on the dresses. Anyway, so there`s that girl with black hair and green eyes again, Found I believe told you all she`d be coming up a lot. (this is Lost again) So, yeah, hope you like them! ~Lost out (and again they all have the same body because I got that from a crafty thing from Klutz, called My Style Studio, but JUST the body, nothing else)

Percy Jackson Characters

Ok so here the first drawing is NOT Annabeth, but a girl I made up from the Percy Jackson books. (Again, READ THEM!!!!!) Anyway, her name`s Rayne and she`s in the Ares cabin and she a little more then a half blood because her Mom`s a half blood and so her grand-father is Ares and her dad is Apollo, it`s kind of confusing. So for some reason she`s in the Ares cabin. The second drawing is Percy Jackson and I couldn`t remember whether his hair was black or brown..... Anyway, hope you like them!
~Lost  Oh and the body I used for Rayne is from a craft thingy. 

Another Two Pics

Hi, Found here. Ok, just so you know, the little girl in the first pic, the one kneeling on the ground, is NOT EATING POPCORN. OK? it looks like it, but banish that thought from your head, or else! Anyway, She's looking at sparks in her hand. So. The second Pic is of a girl named Erin Ryde. I kinda did this weird thing with her hair...  But yeah. Anyway, enjoy!


More pics

Hey! Lost here, anyway, here are a few more drawings. They`re a bit older then the others, but not by much. These 2 drawings are super different, the first one I did just a few weeks ago and the second one was a few months ago. (I think) 
Hope you like them!
~Lost out