Friday, October 4, 2013

Mousie and Cedric.

I'm not quite sure what the heck is wrong with our scanner, but the second two pictures have incredibly low quality. I'm sorry about that.

Anyway, the top two are the same person--My character Mouse Freeman, who is just a total--I don't even know how to describe her. I was in charge of her once, until she kind of took the reins and now she makes all the decisions in her story. I'm not sure how it happened, either. 
But anyway, she's this lovely little bundle of smiles and drama, using her laughter as a wall against her problems, which most people don't even know about. She acts really childish and naive, but she's not. Not really.
Gah, I feel so bad for her, little sweetie. I gave her an awful backstory, and I'm starting to regret it now because I am having a hard time fixing things up for her and I really want her to have a happy ending but I don't see HOW that's going to happen. :(

The last picture is the closest I have gotten (so far) to Cedric, who is in Brielle Delancey's story and is pretty fun as of yet. I have lots of plans for him and he's kind of sweet in an annoying way.
I find that most of my guys are like that. I seriously need to work on my guys, because they're like, all the same and it's driving me cray-cray.

~Found, who needs sleep and a better way to write male charries.

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