Friday, December 9, 2011

The Calttarah

Lost here. 

So not many humans have ever heard of the Calttarah, not many ever will. They live in the Alpha Quadrant, they`re actually good friends with the Plutarieks. Anyway, the Calttarah thrive on making life difficult, for EVERY-ONE. They love destroying things and they don`t see why that might annoy other races. Besides that they`re very friendly though, so don`t be too prejudiced against them. They make nice tea. Here`s a girl Calttarah.

~Lost Out


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A few more computer things...

The first thing is like some sort of light/sun/water/wind fairy...  Yeah. 
And the second...  If you don't ask, I won't needto tell you. We'll leave it at that.


Aliens DO exsist!

Hi! It's found! Yes, I have some pictures but I need to scan them and it'll take forever so in the meantime I'm posting these. I hope no one minds. Ok, so, the one on top is Xanthia Myth, and GUESS WHAT!? That's ME!
Well, right now you're prolly like, uh, haha, NOT. But it's true! I am an alien from Squadron 17. I am a member of the intergalactic Council, etc. etc. I am posting this because, GUESS WHAT NOW!? A few aliens (Lost informed me of this) Just destroyed your outpost on Fifth Rock. Wahhh.

Anyway, The second is this girl who just broke my friends heart by getting herself engaged to Lord Fleebag Shwizzie... If you want the whole story, I might get back to you on that. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Well these to pictures are very different..... Anyway, Lost here still. The first one is a redo of this girl I did named Danielle Slight, I might`ve put her on an earlier post..... And the second is this girl named Gwendolyn Row, (the one with green streaks in her hair) I think she`s a redo also, but I can`t remember. Anyway, Gwen`s a dancer, she super funny, she goes to private school, and she`s super short and she really doesn`t like it. Oh, and in the pic of Danielle Slight, her dress didn`t scan very well so it looks super white, but really it`s a complete light blue colour. Happy Holidays every-one!
~Lost out

Jennifer Kale and Samantha Rowenhard

Lost here. So the first pic (^^) is of a girl named Jennifer Kale, she has a long tragic tale that I`ll go into another time. (meaning as soon as I can figure out what it is) And the second one, (^) is of a girl named Samantha Rowenhard. (pronounced Roe-en-erd) And if she looks like a total pain in the neck, well, most of us probably would if we had to wear a dress like that. (In other words, she finds it hard to breath in, she doesn`t like the colour pink, and it`s itchy)
~Lost out